The Chinese. Masters of camouflage or big time pimps?


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I was reading this article about the Chinese military's buildup of long range missiles.

Check out the photo of the masterful camo job. Blaring red and white missiles atop green mobile camo launchers with pimp-ass white walls.

Pure genius.


LOL, China is not some Brooklyn shylock.

humm,, read the whole article.

China targets U.S. troops with arms buildup - Washington Times

China is aggressively building up military forces capable of striking U.S. forces in the western Pacific and elsewhere as part of what the Pentagon calls an array of high-tech "anti-access" missiles, submarines and warplanes in its latest annual report.
The report to Congress on China's military power, released Monday, also warned that China's military is extending its global military reach beyond a weapons buildup to wage regional war with Taiwan and the United States. The report also questioned U.S.-China military exchanges, noting that Beijing is using the visits and meetings for political influence operations and intelligence gathering.
humm,, read the whole article.

China targets U.S. troops with arms buildup - Washington Times

China is aggressively building up military forces capable of striking U.S. forces in the western Pacific and elsewhere as part of what the Pentagon calls an array of high-tech "anti-access" missiles, submarines and warplanes in its latest annual report.
The report to Congress on China's military power, released Monday, also warned that China's military is extending its global military reach beyond a weapons buildup to wage regional war with Taiwan and the United States. The report also questioned U.S.-China military exchanges, noting that Beijing is using the visits and meetings for political influence operations and intelligence gathering.

Read it, still don't see the "you owe us money, pay up or we rain down missiles" connection you implied. If we ever get into a shooting war with China it will be over the One China Policy and crazy Taiwanese or Chinese pol making a stand. Every time we extend any kind of diplomatic recognition or sell arms to Taiwan we piss China the fuck off.

What sense does it make to go to war over debt, are you under the impression that that could some how be worked out? Are we going to nationalize a few companies and hand them over to the Chinese? Are we going to line up tankers and ship over our strategic oil reserves? Maybe give them a nuclear carriers? Give them Rhode Island? Our interconnected economies make war over debt or Taiwan less likely, not more. Even at the end of the article it comes back to Taiwan, China is Taiwan and Taiwan is China, that right there is why you see those missile trucks in the pictures and read about Russian anti-ship Sizzlers being sold to China by Russia. Debt has fuck all to do with it.
America is a house of cards, it will crumble one day if they don't change some shit in a big way, it would not take much right now for it to crumble. China is just gearing up.

just saying..
yes invented in america, stolen by the chinese and about to be launched at Taiwan, fuck ya!
America is a house of cards, it will crumble one day if they don't change some shit in a big way, it would not take much right now for it to crumble. China is just gearing up.

just saying..

China relies far more heavily on the US than the US relies on China economically.

Remember that.

China can't sustain it's growth. Even with the US starting to consume more and more goods. When China's growth slows in the next year or two they will face far bigger pains than the US has since the Great Depression.

It will never, not in this century, be in the best interest of China to cut ties with the US or call up it's debt (which they can't do anyway).
don't be stupid. We Chinese are like leeches. We will suck you dry then we will look for someone else.

good analogy!

ok.. I quit reading the news for a while, and started to again the last couple of days, now the world is coming to an end soon.. fuck the news only drives me crazy..

When people quit spending money online then I have a real fucking problem, all the rest is just entertainment.

I buy certain products from china, shit that can cost 5 grand here, cost me $200... I love china.