The Best A/B Split Testing Script...


New member
May 26, 2009
Houston, TX.
I finally stumbled across Profitapolis and was able to get the Prosper split testing script to work. But damn, there has got to be a better solution. I also found a thread here on WF that showed how to improve the prosper version by placing a cookie in the rotation script.

What I'm looking for is a script that will A/B split test, and if possible allow me to do some multivariate testing - WITH A LANDER MADE FOR A CPA OFFER.

What is the best A/B split testing script for someone trying to get serious with this stuff - that I can use with CPA networks? It would be nice to find a solution that would help me do some multivariate testing also. I don't want to spend $1500.

I've read some great threads on WF that mention Affiliate Prophet and Split Test Accelerator - But can I use either of these with the CPA networks? They both need to have code dropped on the "Thank You" page. The code is an "image" type link that resembles a tracking pixel - can these be used?

I'd appreciate some tips here.

I've read some great threads on WF that mention Affiliate Prophet and Split Test Accelerator - But can I use either of these with the CPA networks? They both need to have code dropped on the "Thank You" page. The code is an "image" type link that resembles a tracking pixel - can these be used?

FYI most CPA networks will allow you to "place your pixel" with them and then it gets piggybacked on to the thankyou page where their pixel is.
I use a combination of Google Website Optimizer (Free) and Prosper. You can then use the pixel from website optimizer on your offer redirect page to measure landing page CTR, or you can place the pixel on thank you page of the offer to measure conversion rate. Google website optimizer allows you to do multivariate testing and a/b testing. I usually do a few a/b tests to determine a good base landing page, then move on to multivariate testing of that page with website optimizer.
Thanks For The "Quickie" !


Appreciate the quick response from both of you. Exactly what I was trying to find out.

Looks I'll be split-testing split testers as well as the Google Website Optimizer. At least now I'm confident that the time I spend will be an investment.

For some reason it finally clicked how many things I can test with that pixel simply by placing it on the page immediately following whatever it is I want to record. Better late then never I guess.