The Bear Stearns thing...

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That guy's a twit. It's real easy to sit back 5 days later and call a guy on a bad stock pick. Picking stocks is the biggest guessing game in the world. Nobody is right all the time and if you pick a bad one you never hear the end of it. Stock investors are real quick to point the finger and blame everyone but themselves for bad picks though. They make the final decision and should take part of the blame too.
That guy's a twit. It's real easy to sit back 5 days later and call a guy on a bad stock pick. Picking stocks is the biggest guessing game in the world. Nobody is right all the time and if you pick a bad one you never hear the end of it. Stock investors are real quick to point the finger and blame everyone but themselves for bad picks though. They make the final decision and should take part of the blame too.

I dont think he is a twit at all. It is not hard to imagine that any investment banking or mortgage company is at risk right now. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to be a small investor in this country.

No one ever tells bad news. Even if there are tons of it everywhere. They hype the shit up so that institutional buyers donr lose money and that the market stays propped up.

It is very easy to find buy or strong buy suggestions. Very few people say sell or strong sell. Very few. Right up into the end of a stock.

Kramers advice was stupid as shit. The stock was $62 on the screen. In a week it went down to $2. To give a solid dont sell signal to all investors without knowing their portfolio, lives, and risk tolerance is just retarded. I have been telling people for 3 years to get out of bank and mortage companies stocks. And I dont like giving investment advice. Its just that the subprime and ARM problem is so obvious.

Kramer should have seen this coming. If he cant or wont tell the average investor he probably should be fired. If he was a investment advisor for clients he would have probably been fired for this stupid advice.

And once again the small investor gets screwed by bad advice and by backroom deals.
Cramer was answering a question about Bear Stearns' liquidity and whether or not someone should take their money out of their brokerage account at Bear Stearns. He was not asking about Bear Stearns stock. Cramer was right when he said that keeping your money in Bear Stearns' accounts was safe and would be secure. I do admit it was a little confusing because they showed the stock chart and Cramer say Bear Stearns was fine, which might imply that their stock was not worthless.

I don't like Cramer very much, but he is getting bashed way too much because of people misunderstanding the question and his answer.
I'm not a fan at all of Cramer. You are absolutely right that nobody should be making recomendations when they have no clue about the investors situation. I agree 100%. You're also bang on about never getting sell or strong sell ratings. It's because the analysts are terrified that they'll lose all their "inside" sources and are little pussies towing the company line.

I used to be a financial for 5 years. I quit because I couldn't stand how corrupt the analysts and firms are. They'll tell you it's a sunny day when you're standing there drenched in rain soaked clothes. Nobody can get it right all the time though but at least some of these talking heads should tell people to sell a piece of shit stock once in awhile... :)
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