The Amazing Racist

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sooo awful. he's going to get hurt eventually, no doubt about that.
that was funny! have a fuckin sense of humor! the mexican thing was the best! I am sick of it being ok to call a white man white boy etc but you can't say anything to a black boy or mexican boy? lol
that was funny! have a fuckin sense of humor! the mexican thing was the best! I am sick of it being ok to call a white man white boy etc but you can't say anything to a black boy or mexican boy? lol

lol i'm really lax when it comes to racist and offensive stuff (when I'm the victim) but when people start threatening you over it...maybe it's best to back off a bit.

and how is black boy offensive? I'm black. I'm a boy. Big deal. :Yahoo_29:
I'm having flashbacks about chrislinge bringing porch monkey back... no wait, that was Randal from Clerks.
I think racial humor is cool, but should be cool in all directions, I just dont like these people that get all serious about the shit and talk about exterminating this race and that race like the video I posted here not to long ago. Like I said my best friend is chinese, Ive been busting his balls for years about being a chink, but hes also been busting my balls for years about being a redneck white cracker.
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