The AdSense Approach


New member
Aug 16, 2010

I'm a newbie so bear with me. But I understand a lot of people try to make multiple niche sites that make say $5 a day each and so they all add up to a nice little income.

Now, obviously to make a consistent $5 a day you're going to need to maintain your SE page rank right, and have a fair few articles on those individual sites?

When doing this, do you have to keep adding articles/doing SEO on these sites regularly? Will it differ depending on the keyword? i.e. if you had a site about "historical chinese carpets" it'd be less work to maintain the $5 a day than a site covering the keyword "six pack abs"?


May I add, I'm not being lazy I do plan on selling affiliate products in the future but just curious about these AdSense empires.

SEO is great, and all the basics must be covered.

But hey, I'm going to tell you a secret...

There's this new thing called social media...

You can promote the site through it....

It can give you traffics. Lots of traffics.

And with that traffics you can make more adsense monies.
Hmm alright. Do comments on relevant blogs that use Commentluv do well? like do they index good and count? I've been doing quite a few lately, just waiting for backlinkwatch to take notice of them.
Once your sites become aged, they don't jump around as much. Unfortunately I've found that buying an aged domain isn't the same as registering a domain yourself and allowing it to age. But if you have a three year old site ranking for "professional basketball shoe stores," it will stick there without much maintenance. But if it's a new site, monitor it constantly. It may be #3 now, but tomorrow it could be on page 5. When this happens you have to figure out what the fuck happened and do something about it.
Ahh yeah, I've noticed Google "dances" with my site a lot. I'm usually 4th result for my actual site's name, but the keyword I want to take over - there's sites with this keyword that have around 100-500 backlinks each.

So I'm going to have to slowly backlink it up to the top! and I don't even have scrapebox ha.