The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport Edition


New member
Oct 7, 2007
My next dream car;

[ame=""]YouTube - The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport Edition[/ame]

Didn't watch the whole video as it wasn't very creative and way too long. But either way Pelosi is a nut who is only in office because her husband bought her way in. That said if Cap and Trade is passed it will ruin what is left of major industry in this country, just ask California how their cap and trade system worked out and it is not even as strict as what congress is trying to put through.
I recently read a few-month-old Rolling Stone article about cap and trade, how Goldman Sachs is financially motivated to make it real, and how all the currently involved politicians are previous Goldman Sachs people. I'm not much more familiar with it at the moment -- is this the crazy conspiracy theory or a real influencing factor?