That 15k Challenge Dickhead

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New member
Jan 7, 2007
He finally showed his pink thong.

God I hate that guy. He's such a fucking dick. He can't even honor the fact that he said he would go in the middle of the city on new years eve and dance in his thong. He jumps out of the hot tub for 5 seconds? wtf?

As if that 15k challenge didn't suck enough, now they're doing a "thirty day challenge" to see if people can make their first $10 online in 30 days.

Oh my god.......
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Make their first $10 online in 30 days? Hmmm...

  • Sell a pair of jeans on ebay
  • Write 2 articles and sell them
  • Make any kind of website and sell on DP
  • Convince a friend to get a ringtone through an aff link
  • Make a blogger blog about a car for sell put adsense on it and post 5 ads on craigslist linking to it.
  • A million other ways.
$10 in thirty days??? That's the lamest "challenge" that I've ever heard of.
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