Thanks Yuli!

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New member
Aug 11, 2006
Yuli is a great Affiliate Manager for Azoogle. He answered all my questions about Azoogle on AIM. He was even ready to approve my Azoogle account (but I already got it approved by Jai). Thanks for your help! :)

It's nice to have the AMs here to chat with us. I wish Google and Yahoo would do things like that...
DruSam said:
It's nice to have the AMs here to chat with us. I wish Google and Yahoo would do things like that...
Yes, it really is. You can get special treatment, quick approvals, quick payments. Who knows, maybe Jon is paying the affiliate managers to come here. ;)
I applied nearly a week ago. Haven't heard a thing except for the initial "your application will be reviewed within 2 working days" email.
:( So far I'm not feeling the love.
Yuli.. maybe you should come up with a custom FAQ from questions you get from affiliates on a regular basis and post it here as a WF Exclusive. I think it would help a lot of people out and get them the answers they need quickly, instead of waiting around for an email response.

Can you become my Affiliate Manager?
Me applied for weeks, still no news.

Just send a screenshot on my domains info.
Hopefully, I get approved Today.

And start making money tonite. !!!!

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