
bro'ke even
Nov 26, 2009
i just saw this ad.. after 10 minutes i was making monies online! thank you dennis yu!


Dennis Yu on "To Catch a Predator" (he looks slightly skinner cuz this was 4 years ago)

Today Dennis Yu congratulated Shawn Collins on ASW selling out (on Shawn's facebook announcement).

If I didn't have so much respect for Shawn (and not wanting to turn his update into this type of thing) my response would have been along the lines of "and you should listen to Dennis, he knows a lot about selling out"
Today Dennis Yu congratulated Shawn Collins on ASW selling out (on Shawn's facebook announcement).

If I didn't have so much respect for Shawn (and not wanting to turn his update into this type of thing) my response would have been along the lines of "and you should listen to Dennis, he knows a lot about selling out"

a week or 2 ago he commented on scott richters status and a bunch of people attacked him.
"So you were just going to make out using strawberries and whipcream?...... with a 12 y/o girl" epic haha

I couldn't believe how described the girl was going to bite the strawberry out of his mouth, what a sicko