Thank God It's Monday...


New member
May 17, 2008
Okay, it's not Monday but whatever. lol

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Not going to put anymore on here because with my luck I'm sure you can't even watch it on here... but if I was you I'd subscribe to his channel and watch all his videos. Pretty good stuff.

Surprised this didn't get any replies.

...I find his stuff really motivational. I watch his two "secrets to success" videos at least once a week when I want to sit back instead of working.
Surprised this didn't get any replies.

...I find his stuff really motivational. I watch his two "secrets to success" videos at least once a week when I want to sit back instead of working.


What's funny is he has like the most motivational shit I can find... but he doesn't really get a whole lot of views on Youtube. His "motivational mondays" never even break 1k views.

What's funny is he has like the most motivational shit I can find... but he doesn't really get a whole lot of views on Youtube. His "motivational mondays" never even break 1k views.

Yeah, I always think the same thing.

He's been putting out videos for a year now to or so.
That analogy he used about wanting something as much as a drowning person wants to breathe has resonated with me.

I thought about that several times when wanting to take a break and go hang out with friends or go to bed.
That analogy he used about wanting something as much as a drowning person wants to breathe has resonated with me.

I prefer more "biographical" inspiration, I just find it personally a lot more relateable even if the actual circumstances don't at all relate to me. In another thread where that "you have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe" video was also posted somebody else posted the story Tony Robbins told of how Sylvester Stallone became an actor and got Rocky made (reposted below.) There was a concrete vision of success, concrete examples of failures, and concrete examples of actually overcoming failure. Would Stallone say he wanted it "as bad as he wanted to breathe"? Probably he would, but it wouldn't hit you the way hearing about having to sell his dog, his best friend in the world, just so he would have $25 bucks to keep the lights on and keep pushing.

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
i love this guys videos. kinda lights a fire under your ass to get shit started. hip hop preacha ftw