Texts from Last Night

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Hah, there's some great ones in there.

(617): yeah she is the one who tells people i beat girls.. which ironically make me want to punch her in the face

(818): Is it bad to mix sunny d with vodka if i dont have any real OJ?
(770): I've mixd ketchup with vodka before and called it a bloody mary, so, no.
Some favs

(715): I made out with a fat chick last night in a hot tub... btw I am breaking up with you

(970): Remember that night when i almost got you arrested? Is that funny yet?

(603): Erica just called me. She woke up in a storage closet in Mike's building with one shoe and no bag. Can you check your photos from last night to see if she had it at the bar?
this site is some funny shit

(515): (504): can you have the cops turn on the gps locator on my phone...i just woke up in a Hooters uniform and I have no idea where I am...

(515): Do you think Capital One would let me put the Tub Girl picture on my Capital One card?

(914): ? is bags or t-bags slang for scrotum?
(773): jesus mom
That site can be pretty addictive.
It reminds me when a friend of mine was hanging out with a high school classmate of mine who had apparently gotten hotter since high school. He meant to send me a text message that said "Mike, I can't meet up with you tonight. I think I'm going to fuck Jaime. She has fake boobs." The problem is he sent it to her instead. To this day she hates me (God knows why, I was only the intended recipient of the message) and sending a text message to the wrong person is forever know as "pulling a Paul" (my friend's name.)
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