testing PPC


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Alright guys I need your input on this.

I want to build a niche site and digital product(online courses) and drive traffic using PPC. I believe the product can provide immense value for the buyers, but since I've never done PPC or product creation before, I want to test it out before I actually invest heaps of time into it.

Here's what I'm going to do

- Buy the domain and build the landing page
- Track the page using prosper202
- The landing page will have the call to action which will be something like 'buy now'. When the visitor clicks the call to action they'll go to a page that says something like "the product isn't finished yet, but please subscribe to our mailiing list"
- Spend about $150 on PPC to test some keywords that I think will convert. Not sure where I should advertise on yet. Suggested bid on Google's keyword tool is $.60-$1.20
- Track conversions and split test
- If i get decent conversions I'll go ahead and build the product

What do you guys think of this? And any tips for someone who's gonna try PPC for the first time?

Too many variables that are not an accurate representation of when/if you have the product.

Dont really need T202 for everything unless you dont want G00gle on your pages. Adwords and Google Analytics is real good together and linked.

Googles suggested bid tool is a guess. It is not very accurate and does not take into account new/penalized accounts or basically poor Quality Scores. It is averaging things big time.

You dont have experience doing Adwords so your first several campaigns will probably be poor anyways. That plus a non existing product spells doom.

And if you want to get real picky it is not legal to sell something you don't have in most states. Could also be against bait and switch laws.
I agree with Drake. Especially the part where he points out that you need to test these things WITH the product. Without it, you're looking at superficial numbers. You'll be throwing money away.
- The landing page will have the call to action which will be something like 'buy now'. When the visitor clicks the call to action they'll go to a page that says something like "the product isn't finished yet, but please subscribe to our mailiing list"

Scarcity sells. Don't state the product isn't finished yet, but within any copy mention this is only available in limited quantities due to limited support, or something, then when they click the buy button, have it say:

"Sorry, demand was too high and we're [currently closed to new users/full to capacity/sold out]

Leave your email and if a space becomes available, we'll email you a first come, first served invite."
I'm looking to do something similar because it will take a fair bit of time and money to develop the products I have in mind. I like the scarcity idea! Maybe something like "only 25 advance copies will be made available so order now...."

To the OP, I was also surprised at the click cost of some of the keywords, but I think if you spend some time on it you should be able to find some related keywords for $0.10/click, or at least I was. Obviously the volume will be much lower so it will just take you a little longer to gather the data you need, but much more economical. I'm guessing if you eventually get a good quality score, it could be even cheaper (??)