Testing PPC


New member
Nov 1, 2010
Hello everyone. I've been a long time lurker / reader here at this forum and other IM forums. Fell into that trap of "read-read-read-never do" that is so common. I was paralyzed by all the available info, but something finally clicked and said "just fucking do it". I signed up to some networks and got accepted to PeerFly, Copeac, MaxBounty, and now I'm just waiting on Ads4Dough. Also opened up FB, POF, Adwords, MS Adcenter, for my ad platforms. I've read through NickyCakes newbie guide and setup Prosper202. Planning on buying ca$hvertising next. So hopefully I'll be well on my way to some success. I just have some questions.

What is the general consensus when it comes to testing PPC offers and how well you think they may convert? I've searched and have seen people direct linking their offers while most mention Landing Pages. Problem is...with limited funds I dont want to buy up too many domains just to have them flop. When I buy domains however I try to keep a general name according to vertical so I can use them for future campaigns.

So...before taking on a campaign. Do most of you create Landing Pages and domain first and hope itll turn out, or do you do a small run of direct linking via PPC and see if it converts before optimizing with LP?

Thanks in advance.

I personally would start with one offer and one site and work on that to get started. That means you really only need one domain name and one landing page.

As far as buying domains, I would try to find exact match domains for a keyword you wish to target. It is easier to get the site ranking.
Wouldn't site ranking really only matter if I were focused on SEO? My impression with PPC is it's quick. By the time you wait for it to really rank with SEO using exact matched domain names the offer may already be over? Possibly can help with cheaper CPC using Adwords for Quality Score?
You could do an A/B test with/without a landing page and let the stats decide for you.
If you are starting out, I would focus on direct linking but spend time optimizing your adcopy/banner to get ctr up

and if conversion doesn't follow, may create a lp and work hard on optimizing it
thanks for the advice so far.

kazu - that sounds like a perfect plan of attack. awesome blog by the way. it's one of the few helpful blogs on I.M. that I have seen and often use it for reference.

once i get all this down, i'll begin working on building e-mail lists.

now if only i can get into ads4dough. i got denied for ewa. ;(
Pick 1 niche and 1 traffic source (Bing, Facebook or whatever) see what other are doing, try a few different offers and experiment. It's the only real way to learn.
I've decided to try our POF for my traffic source. How many impressions do you suggest is good until you try out different ads/adcopy and what CTR is a benchmark for decent? I'm getting about .1 and .08 CTR on two of my adgroups.