Testing offers


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Hey everyone...

I always create my own landing pages and minisites, even if I never touched the niche.
Do you recommend iframing or redirecting offers with adwords?

I mean, can i still get away with it, even for a week or two of testing?
Which one is better? iframing offers or redirecting?


Depends on the LP & the type of offer. No sense in running a LP for a zip/email submit or most lead-forms, but you'd be stupid not to run a LP if you're running a colon blow offer.
Implementing an iframe is usually better because you can blend your offer into your landing pages' overall design rather than having to redirect to the merchants page.
It depends on the offer - iFrames can have quality score implications; always split-test everything to see what is most effective.
This is probably the first thing any affiliate marketer has to learn. Split test everything. That way you can see results for yourself and you'll have a better understanding of what you're doing.

It depends on the offer - iFrames can have quality score implications; always split-test everything to see what is most effective.
Great idea!

thanks for the advice guys, splitting it is a great idea. I will do that.

But just before i do:
Can i get banned by google for redirecting or iframing offers? i mean it might create a situation of the same offer twice on the same results page. I know no one can guarantee anything, but what are the odds of google ditecting this within a week or two in you opinion?

Thanks again..
You would have to look at the rules your self , oyur not aloud frame breakers