Testing New Campaign

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Mar 1, 2009
I am going to start my first major campaign.
I am willing to spend about $500 testing an offer to see how it converts. I have a few questions before I start.
I have a short list of about 5 campaigns I am interested in running.
Should I invest In a landing page for each (i cant design for shit) as it will give me a better QS and lower cost per bid which will give me an better over all idea, or just Direct link pick the better converting one then spend the money on a landing page for the best converting offer.

Personally, from another noobie, I would just pick one of the offers (Maybe talk to your affiliate manager and ask for some info about which one of the 5 is converting the best if you are worried about that, I am pretty sure that they will tell you) get one landing page designed, and then spend the rest of the money in PPC budget. Tweak your LP a bit day to day and see what gets better conversions and add/drop keywords as you gather more data.

Right now I am only focusing on one offer and even then I feel a bit overwhelmed with trying to get everything done. I can't even imagine trying to juggle 5 different campaigns at the same time.

But then again, that is just me. Hope that helps.
Ha ha yeah about that... I have not really even launched my first campaign yet. I am just now finishing up my landing page and starting to test keywords. Personally I am going to try to test like $100 of PPC traffic over the first 5 days or so... see what appears to be working and what is not, and throw out any keywords that have proven to be really really shitty. If I break even, or even get like 70% of my money back for that first $100 I am going to throw probably another $400 in or so over the couple weeks.

If I break even or see profit off the first $100 I am going to scale it to as high as I can so long as it continues to be profitable. Pretty much no matter what I am going to test until I hit -$500... then it is back to youtube, article sites, and yahoo answers for traffic till I get some conversions to put $ back into PPC testing. But that is just my noob strategy, I am sure the pro's around here put that kind of money in the first hour they test keywords. One of my other friends broke even his first $100 in PPC and then made a couple hundred after that on his second and third week so I am hoping that will happen to me. I don't think there is one set way to do it, depends on the person and how much extra cash you have to test. Good luck!
Before you start that campaign you might want to head over to the other parts of this forum and check out what is happening with people on the Google Content Network (if you are intending to use that).
design your own landing pages....not hard and if you dont know how you should learn. you can always pay someone to design your landing pages once you know what you're doing but its good to know how to do some html/css, basic javascript and php.

you'd always want to have a higher QS for cheaper clicks, obviously. direct linking can work but it of course depends on the offer. generally when people have to whip out that magnetic plastic they need to be hyped with a presale page.
Before you start that campaign you might want to head over to the other parts of this forum and check out what is happening with people on the Google Content Network (if you are intending to use that).

Yeh i have been reading that regarding the content network going fucked for Image ads. quiet dissapointing.

Do you guys normally test on content or search first? Or do you treat them %100 different
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