Test, test, and re-test.

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Okay, so I've been trying to abide by a certain amount of time I spend on trying to convert an arbi site and after so much time/worked I will ditch it depending on saturation of market, payout and all the good shit.

Well I'm glad I stuck it out with one that I wanted to shit can and move on because I finally hit the sweet spot with a template after trying about 6 different templates and only ending up with and average of 2clicks out of 100.

Crazy I know I stuck with it for 3 days BUT the reason behind that was because it is barely even tapped.

Well long story short with my new template I'm now getting 180% CTR (expecting it to drop and stay around 75%) with a 15:1 ROI (expecting that to drop down to about 8:1).

The moral of the story is SOMETIMES, in rare cases, it pays to put that little extra work into an arbi site.


If your CTR is 180% and stays at that level for any period of time, I think you can start looking forward to being smartpriced.

After being hit myself I dont like to see huge numbers there anymore.
Okay, so I've been trying to abide by a certain amount of time I spend on trying to convert an arbi site and after so much time/worked I will ditch it depending on saturation of market, payout and all the good shit.

Well I'm glad I stuck it out with one that I wanted to shit can and move on because I finally hit the sweet spot with a template after trying about 6 different templates and only ending up with and average of 2clicks out of 100.

Crazy I know I stuck with it for 3 days BUT the reason behind that was because it is barely even tapped.

Well long story short with my new template I'm now getting 180% CTR (expecting it to drop and stay around 75%) with a 15:1 ROI (expecting that to drop down to about 8:1).

The moral of the story is SOMETIMES, in rare cases, it pays to put that little extra work into an arbi site.

Are you willing to share a URL example of the template?
BNW - why do you need to see something? have you not figured it out yet? damn, seeing what someone else is doing and copying it is dumb!
Are you willing to share a URL example of the template?

You know, why should he give you his template for free so you can make money with it (because invariably it will get copied)? Rephrase that and ask him how much he wants for sharing it with you.
If your CTR is 180% and stays at that level for any period of time, I think you can start looking forward to being smartpriced.

After being hit myself I dont like to see huge numbers there anymore.

It dropped back to about 45% last night. I was hoping it would stick around 75% but it's still ahead of my porjected CTR of 30%.

My ROI dropped down to a 4:1 return overal because I'm trying to get 3 more to take off but it will all wash out once I get them converting.

I was worried I was smartpriced but my wife pointed out on my new template I was running more add blocks...which I negelected to take into account.
BNW - why do you need to see something? have you not figured it out yet? damn, seeing what someone else is doing and copying it is dumb!

I won't give an url but I can give some advice.

I have tried 7 templates now and I created these by surfing around looking for sites that were MFA/or Arbi...and I always tried to keep it simple when making them.

Out of 11 of my sites I'm currently running 4 different templates, some (earlier ones) I have since shit canned for good (newbie shit). Each site I've tested at least 2 templates per site until I was happy with my results.

The reason I was so excited about finally hitting it with the above site I talked about was because I had already tried 6 different templates (3 more than I wanted to try).

After I finally got it for that one site it hit me I wasn't truely thinking like the demograph of people I was targeting. Once I did that's when I created a page that would convert.

Just because that template works awesome for one site, I know it won't work good for any of my others.

Just take a couple of examples and tweak, test, analyis, leave it or retweak depending on results.

Don't forget to try and keep it simple but in a couple of cases I've ran accross it was simple that hurt me.
I agree, I was doing a template w/ just One large pic on the left, w/ adsense on top of it, some text to the right, text on the bottom, and then a adsense bar on the bottom...

this worked OK for highly targeted sites, but crap for more general sites. I found that doing something similar to the i-geek template (more pics, more ads) works much much better.

btw- what would you guys consider good volume on a keyword in 7search? more than 10k? 100k?
I agree, I was doing a template w/ just One large pic on the left, w/ adsense on top of it, some text to the right, text on the bottom, and then a adsense bar on the bottom...

this worked OK for highly targeted sites, but crap for more general sites. I found that doing something similar to the i-geek template (more pics, more ads) works much much better.

btw- what would you guys consider good volume on a keyword in 7search? more than 10k? 100k?

I haven't really figured 7search out yet...I have some keywords that show less than a 10k search prior that are performing a lot better than some that are 100k+ prior. Both in #1 spot also.
I haven't really figured 7search out yet...I have some keywords that show less than a 10k search prior that are performing a lot better than some that are 100k+ prior. Both in #1 spot also.

That is probably because you are being outbid on the affiliate sites for the competitive words.

Good job and keep it up. I average around 45% ctr most days.
i've been trying to get a good answer to this for a while now- how do you guys micromanage your bids???

I mean without going through each individual keyword on 7 search and looking at the 'smart bid' window? I hate the fact that you can only 'MakeTop' on the 7search network, which has no bearing on the search engine ad placement!
Sounds to me like you are making $10 profit a day which is so little to be of no significance. I'd like to see you keep 4:1 on a spend of $200+/day.
Sounds to me like you are making $10 profit a day which is so little to be of no significance. I'd like to see you keep 4:1 on a spend of $200+/day.

If I had the funds I would be spending a lot more per day. My goal is to be spending $100+/day with a 4+:1 by the end of March.

Creepy how you hit my profit almost on the dot ($11.42 and almost doubling every day, won't last due to funds).

Sure it might be very little but after one week up and running I'm happy with the steady climb in income.

I will take my total earnings (gross) every month and reinvest it all for the first three months or until I hit my $100+/day spending bugget which is projected to be March.

I have my goals set and the means to meet them. I've thought of trying to seek outside funding for the next month to decrease the timeline of my first goal but I'm not sure yet.
Chris, I have no idea where your venom is coming from, but I'm fairly certain you didn't invent arbitrage or affliate marketing, so you are "copying" what others have done too.

Given that I've been testing and still haven't found a reasonable arbitrage method that provides a return, seeing what others are doing is the only thing that keeps me interested.
test, test, and re-test? What a new concept, with all the threads I've been reading around here you'd think that pre-concieve and opinion and dismass outright was the correct approach to online marketing :rasta:
BNW there was no attack, I was simply suggesting that maybe instead of trying to get what somone else is doing do something yourself. If what you are doing is not working and you need ideas go to 7search and find something there. I keep track of that stuff and figure is someone is running an arbi site for more than 2 weeks on something that is getting traffic his template is working rather well. doing the work like that really helps you learn this business.
I never fuckin said I invented a motherfuckin thing and admit 100% that I take what others have done and make it work for me. Your question was one that people ask when they want someone to tell them how what when and were to do something to make money! fuck that! do your own fuckin research, when you get to the point were you can find arbi sites and pinpoint things you know work and what does not work you will start making real money! until then you are just playing!
If your CTR is 180% and stays at that level for any period of time, I think you can start looking forward to being smartpriced.

After being hit myself I dont like to see huge numbers there anymore.

I'm coming back to this one after some research.

From what I've read up on CTR doesn't play a factor at all with smart pricing, accourding to google. What will get you smart pricing is shitty clicks that don't convert well for the advertiser.

BNW - Chris is right, even though he can be blunt and to the point. Research is king.

I've done tons of research and it started more than a year ago, not on arbitrage but on internet marketing as a whole. I won't go into why it's taken me over a year to finally venture into the scene but I'm glad it did take me that long because if I would have jumped in when I wanted to I would've just ended up following the big earners picking up the scraps.

Even though I've spent so much time reading and soaking up everything I still feel I haven't scratched the surface.
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