Terrifying criminal straight out of a fucking horror movie..


New member
May 4, 2012

Jason Barnum arrested: Terrifying criminal with a tattooed EYEBALL arrested for 'shooting at police officer' | Mail Online

The dude is definitely freaky. While I don't agree with his alleged criminal & white supremacist lifestyle, I'm impressed with with the balls it must take to tattoo yourself like that & his damn eyeball. For a heroin addict, he's got some expensive art work on the rest of his body that looks like it was done by a talented artist. All that said, he need to rot in jail for a while.
1,000,000x more evil is done by guys in suits every day than what all the tattooed punks in the world could make up.

Congrats OP, you have been successfully indoctrinated into not knowing your enemy.
He has lost a bit of weight since his facebook picture. Heroin might be good if you need to lose a few pounds
Say what you want about nig nogs, I ain't never seen one of us like that.