Term Explorer - If you're not using it you're missing out. The keyword tool WORKS

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Premium Member
Feb 4, 2011
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What is Term Explorer?

A keyword tool that actually does what you want a keyword tool to do. Instead of using gotcha interfaces and rate limits to discourage bulk use, term explorer is designed from the ground level to make bulk research easy.

Cool how exactly does it do this?

1. Allows you to scrape keywords in batches of 1000 (tiny jobs)10,000 (small jobs) or 25,000 (big jobs), then
resolves everything for exact match domains.

2. Deep analyze rankings using our full strength competition analyzer, so that you can quickly see which keywords are worth competing for.

3. Mass analyze urls so you can quickly reach conclusions.

Why is it different?

We get you a MUCH bigger dataset than anything else on the market (ok, besides Google themselves).
Using Term Explorer, you'll find keywords to rank for that the other tools just dont go deep enough for.
(which means your competition who are still using the other tools don't know about them either)

Sounds awesome, why do I need that?

The foundation of a profitable website is keyword research.
Term Explorer is biggest baddest foundation laying tool in existence.

Why would you want to invest your time and money blindly.

Think of term explorer as your telescope. You wouldn't go exploring with out your telescope, so why would you build a website with out the best keyword research money can buy.

How much does it cost?

Basic Subscription
  • 200 Keyword Analysis Per Day

  • 2 Jobs With Keyword Miner Per Day
  • 100 Tiny Keyword Tool Jobs Per Day
$97.00 / Year Sign Up

Pro Subscription

  • 5000 Keyword Analysis Per Week
  • 10 Small Jobs With Bulk Keyword Tool Per Day
  • 2 Big Jobs With Bulk Keyword Tool Per Day
  • 1000 Tiny Keyword Tool Jobs Per Day
$87.00 / Month Sign Up

These are BETA ONLY prices and include BETA ONLY features such as:

  • Get your dream features created
  • Obnoxiously friendly support
  • Insane value for your investment
  • The occasional bug or down time.
  • First shot at our recurring commission affiliate program when we launch. -real products convert way better then biz ops

Sign Up Here

Refund Policy
30 Day no questions asked via paypal. Request via email. Support@Termexplorer.com

Awesome Bonus Features
You can set your geo location when analyzing search results. That means.

  • No more guessing at the impact of local results on your keywords.
  • No more clients calling to gripe because they see different search results then your report.
URL analysis tool for pulling bulk stats on your competitors urls or filtering through 1000s of domains to find just the right drop to snatch.

Easy exporting from everything.

We're not sitting around trying to lock you into our platform. You need data and we want you to have it in what ever format you need to get the job done.

Term Explorer is fucking boss; SecretAgentDad is super boss - If you aren't using Term Explorer for your keyword research, Do you even SEO? no... no you don't. This is literally a no-brainer... If you don't have a subscription Get It Now!
Okay secretagentdad picked up the keys for a drive earlier.

Get your dream features created

A field to type in a keyword, toggle action, any keyword phrases with the typed in word in the phrase box would be checked for an export.

Good Luck with Your opening
One day I will learn to write clearer, apologies.

You saying you want the google instant suggestions?


From the thousand plus results, a way to extract all the keyword phrases that contain a root keyword or specific keyword in the keyword phrases that are generated
One day I will learn to write clearer, apologies.


From the thousand plus results, a way to extract all the keyword phrases that contain a root keyword or specific keyword in the keyword phrases that are generated

Well I would add it to the todo list. But its already done. :banana_sml::banana_sml:

--- When you're in the results page go check out the positive keyword filter.
This is an amazing service.
I am using this for almost 1 year now. Can't recommend it enough.
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