tax question if affilate company is out of country

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New member
Sep 26, 2007
I would have put this in the other thread but i'm at work and it was NWS.

My question is - i spoke to my AM and he said they dont send out w2/1099 because they are based in canada and it makes sense. I was wondering what I would do in that case for tax purposes? Just show my accountant how much i made and how much i spent? I'm new at this and i'm not sure what to do in this case.

My question is - i spoke to my AM and he said they dont send out w2/1099 because they are based in canada and it makes sense. I was wondering what I would do in that case for tax purposes? Just show my accountant how much i made and how much i spent? I'm new at this and i'm not sure what to do in this case.

Yeah just total up the revenue from the affiliate companies that didn't send you any 1099's along with those that did.

To make your life easier come tax time, you can keep track of all payments you receive ahead of time. It can be as simple as using excel and putting down which networks paid you and how much every month.

Or just keep all the payment invoices/check stubs/ etc. and tell your accountant to add it up.
Did they pay you in Canadian? Everyone knows CAD doesn't count towards taxes. I think it's the same policy if China pays you in rice, don't have to report that either.
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