Targeting FB groups/events

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New member
Dec 23, 2012
Social Lead Freak, Social Lead Gold or whatever they were named no longer work, is there a way now to target members in certain groups/events and etc.?


one word

You have to first be manually involved in the groups first, posting and giving out valuable info/things to them. Be a contributor first then automate things on how you manually do it using ubot, zenno or a VA.

Then when they know you, you dont need to target the shit out out of the group/email spamming. They will give you their money asap!
@Member8200 is right on!

Also if you want to start your own facebook group about a topic in your vertical.

1. Pick a topic people would be a fan of.
2. Create a facebook group.
3. Post articles that are relevant. With great images.
4. Paid promotion, you can typically get around 2,000 followers to a group for around 60 bucks.
5. Then once you have the trust and people see the info getting posted in the group. You can start to post links to your sales pages.


1. Join larger groups
2. Post quality content, it doesn't have to be your own. Just round-up articles
3. Keep this up posting once a day for about two weeks.
4. Then post an article, with links to your sales page.
5. Article should be on a separate site, or if your selling goods. Give away coupons.

Good Luck!
1. Join larger groups
2. Post quality content, it doesn't have to be your own. Just round-up articles
3. Keep this up posting once a day for about two weeks.
4. Then post an article, with links to your sales page.
5. Article should be on a separate site, or if your selling goods. Give away coupons.

This is the most effective way in my opinion.
I had to try and prove yourself.

Good luck.
@Member8200 is right on!

Also if you want to start your own facebook group about a topic in your vertical.

1. Pick a topic people would be a fan of.
2. Create a facebook group.
3. Post articles that are relevant. With great images.
4. Paid promotion, you can typically get around 2,000 followers to a group for around 60 bucks.
5. Then once you have the trust and people see the info getting posted in the group. You can start to post links to your sales pages.


1. Join larger groups
2. Post quality content, it doesn't have to be your own. Just round-up articles
3. Keep this up posting once a day for about two weeks.
4. Then post an article, with links to your sales page.
5. Article should be on a separate site, or if your selling goods. Give away coupons.

Good Luck!

Excellent idea. I like the second option the best! I think that this would really help me out.
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