Talented Affiliates - Looking for something new and different?


New member
May 8, 2009
Less than 0.1 % of the population have the ability of elite phone sales. It takes a very unique individual to grab thousands of dollars over the phone in a 15 minute phone call - All done legally. I have access to the very best in this field and have developed a complex business model for certain big ticket items. The possibilities in this business are Endless.

Unfortunately I am only one person, and I cannot wear all the hats - so I am opening myself to the ``idea`` of partnering with a savvy affiliate marketer who maybe interested in something new and different like this.

This person must have exceptional success in affiliate market - no piker affiliates.

I have already executed the business model, my motivation in a partnership is having the ability to scale up this business and produce massive numbers. MASSIVE.

I am sort of coming to terms I cannot do everything myself - and reaching out to someone who is interested and successful in Affiliate Marketing.

If you like to know more PM me and we can discuss things over skype or a phone call.

IF you were serious about this, you would be at NYC for the ASE this month so you can network, rather than ask this over here.
Less than 0.1 % of the population have the ability of elite phone sales. It takes a very unique individual to grab thousands of dollars over the phone in a 15 minute phone call - All done legally. I have access to the very best in this field and have developed a complex business model for certain big ticket items. The possibilities in this business are Endless.

Unfortunately I am only one person, and I cannot wear all the hats - so I am opening myself to the ``idea`` of partnering with a savvy affiliate marketer who maybe interested in something new and different like this.

This person must have exceptional success in affiliate market - no piker affiliates.

I have already executed the business model, my motivation in a partnership is having the ability to scale up this business and produce massive numbers. MASSIVE.

I am sort of coming to terms I cannot do everything myself - and reaching out to someone who is interested and successful in Affiliate Marketing.

If you like to know more PM me and we can discuss things over skype or a phone call.