Tagged.com Spammer Owes $200k Judgement


Aug 23, 2006
East Coast
A few years ago there were a couple people selling "Tagged.com commenter bots/scripts" on WF (see here and here). Today an article on TechCrunch says a guy sent 6,000 messages to Tagged.com users and has to pay $200k after losing his court case:
Tagged.com Wins $201,975 In Default Judgment Against Spammer

Just a warning - if you don't know wtf you're doing, you should probably stay out of this area. I don't do any of this crap to begin with... but I definitely have tried it in the past on some niche/community sites where I could send targeted offers. You know... back when sending mass messages to MySpace Group users was the "it" thing.

For people doing volume with stuff like this, 6,000 messages is NOTHING. Just thought some of you all might like to know or find it interesting.

A guy a few towns over from me was sued and lost over 100 million for spamming Myspace... That was just one time he has been sued... I have read over 5 or 6 judgments against him... but must be working if he continues doing it.
lol spammers suing spammers, what a wonderful world we live in.

What do you expect, script kiddies.
What if someone happened to be doing something similar, but NOT sending any kind of messages (PMs, emails, etc), but simply creating fake profiles and relying on members "finding" the profile (and clicking the links on it) on their own accord?

Would this be something a site could send out a lawsuit for? And shouldn't have tagged sent out a C&D first?
They should make it so that users effected get some grant money as well. I feel used since they get paid because I was spammed.
Ouch. Definitely bringing the pain!

I was looking into harvesting leads from a certain social media site, definitely going to be scrapping that idea now. haha
Don't worry about breaking the law, worry about getting caught
What if someone happened to be doing something similar, but NOT sending any kind of messages (PMs, emails, etc), but simply creating fake profiles and relying on members "finding" the profile (and clicking the links on it) on their own accord?

Would this be something a site could send out a lawsuit for? And shouldn't have tagged sent out a C&D first?

Uh yeah they can sue you for this.

Of course they can sue you for most anything so that's a stupid question. Ask yourself, if I were them would I sue me for fucking with them like this?