t202: CTO tracked in bing but not google


New member
Jun 3, 2007
I've got a campaign rolling that's tracking keywords & referrers perfectly. When someone click through to the offer, it only tracks the CTO if the visitor came from bing ... google visitor's CTO has not once been tracked.

This is a multi-offer page (though it's not necessary and I've attempted to make it a single offer page, no help).

Using live headers: the subid cookie tracks from lander to jump page (ex: Cookie: tracking202subid=18286) but when the visitor arrives at hxxp://domain.com/tracking202/redirect/off.php the cookie has changed (same session: Cookie: tracking202subid=18344) & then again to (Set-Cookie: tracking202subid=18124).

The aff network is not reporting ANY subids (yes, the url is set up properly) but is tracking clicks & conversions fine. No reporting subids upon export/ping.

Any suggestions? I'm not sure if the subid issue I mentioned above has anything to do with my CTO not being tracked since it seems like it would be a separate issue, but it was odd so I figured I'd mention it here.

No I've not posted this over @ 202 forums but will do so if one of you brainiacs have no helping words.

Odd problem, any suggestions?

Are the Bing links any different than the Google links? If someone arrives at www.domain.com (with www) but your out link is domain.com/out.php (without www) it won't record the clickthrough.
Are you referring to the Hosted version or Pro? And what is CTO?

prosper ... so self hosted

CTO is an acronym I made up for click through to offer ... I hate getting confused talking about CTR because it could relate to adwords -> lander or it could mean lander -> offer. I didn't change CTR to CTL since it's an understood metric of adwords/adcenter. Also there's no guarantee that there's a lander involved.

So to sum that rant up
CTR = google to lander
CTO = lander to offer

Are the Bing links any different than the Google links? If someone arrives at www.domain.com (with www) but your out link is domain.com/out.php (without www) it won't record the clickthrough.

That's a very good point. The bing links are not any different but I have since moved the lander to a subpage trying to fix this issue. I honestly have no idea if it's a www issue and will be looking into this later this afternoon. We might have a winner & I'll post to thread if so.