syncing a folder to ENCRYPTED usb stick


New member
Apr 24, 2010
What's the easiest workflow you've discovered for a two way sync to/from a usb stick, where the folder on the PC is not encrypted, but the usb stick is?

From what I've looked at so far, it seems like a real pain.


What's the easiest workflow you've discovered for a two way sync to/from a usb stick, where the folder on the PC is not encrypted, but the usb stick is?

From what I've looked at so far, it seems like a real pain.


Dunno why you wouldnt keep both encrypted, but what about dropbox where on the USB it's installed within a truecrypt folder and syncs there (thus encrypted)

The better solution IMO is what I do which is dropbox but within DB is a truecrypt encrypted container which then of course ins encrypted on all ends

Benefit there is if you lose every machine you can buy a new one, download truecrypt and dropbox and regain all access without anything ever being compromised.