Switching over from Adsense to Affiliate Marketing...what should I need to know?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I currently am only earning freaking pennies from Adsense sites so I am going to give affiliate marketing a whirl instead since I hear rave reviews about how much better it seems to be than sites made for Adsense.

I currently understand SEO and how to gain traffic to my sites and things of this sort so my main question is:

What should I know about affiliate marketing that would be different from Adsense?

I've ran into a few keywords that I don't understand like squeeze pages, etc.

If you could sum up the process of what to do after you have a product in mine to promote that would be awesome and would save me a real headache.


Switching from adsense to affiliate marketing?

When you make money with adsense, all you care about is getting clicks on your ads and getting a good CTR. Once they click, you get your money wham bam thank you ma'am.

Affiliate marketing...now you have to actually care about the quality of your traffic, what the user does when they click through, etc. You have to know how to write good ad copy, optimize ad copy (ads and landers), demo targeting, be creative, etc.
makemoniesonline.com <--- I don't need to hyperlink, if you're smrt u can go there 4 the guide.
u waz that guy that made like 50320358u0-254359r43435t43t439tu439t43ti3h4i43tio posts about what programming language to learn

ur gay
Haha....fuck programming...I gave up on that crap...I was focusing too much on trying to learn the ropes and I was getting away from my main goal to make money online.

I figured that I would make my $$$ and pay you goobers for the software like everyone else.

As far as the gay part goes....what's wrong with being gay? There are plenty of gay people out in the world....are you saying there is someone wrong with someone being gay? What about black? Is there something wrong with being black, chinese, white, etc?
Here is a new avatar for you dude:

Haha....fuck programming...I gave up on that crap...I was focusing too much on trying to learn the ropes and I was getting away from my main goal to make money online.

You're never going to make any decent money online, just do yourself a favor and give up now.
You're never going to make any decent money online, just do yourself a favor and give up now

Who said I haven't made decent money online already jackass? Imhopeful

Here is a new avatar for you dude:

I have my own junior high school picture so you can keep yours......

I love this place.....I just come here to piss everyone off and see all the stupid shit you people post on here..

I honestly don't listen to crap you folks say on here because the majority of the people I've ran into on this forum are full of shit anyways. ha.
I currently am only earning freaking pennies from Adsense sites so I am going to give affiliate marketing a whirl instead since I hear rave reviews about how much better it seems to be than sites made for Adsense.
If you could sum up the process of what to do after you have a product in mine to promote that would be awesome and would save me a real headache.
Grass is greener on the other side. Keep on making pennies instead of losing dollars.
The difference for you would be the control over what ad to place on the site and write "click on the button below".
As far as the gay part goes....what's wrong with being gay? There are plenty of gay people out in the world....are you saying there is someone wrong with someone being gay? What about black? Is there something wrong with being black, chinese, white, etc?
Is there something wrong with having Down's syndrome? Bit hypocritical there?
get accepted by a affiliate network, then bomb your manager with questions :)