Sweet New Google Keyword Tool

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Smeg, that is one useful tool if those monetry figures are correct. Like the # of ads things as tried some niche stuff which showed some good traffic figures but very little advertisers.
so I did some tests on this tool and well it sucks a duck! sure the ads are corect but that is no big deal you can get the free script from digitalpoint. the $ for top click is just wrong! not even close!
We are in the process of making some free tools for WF members only that will allow you to do what most of these do, but better.
Stay With Your Tried and True!

:music06: Holy FUCK, Everyone's L@@KING for a BIG TOOL!

I'm staying with mine since it's LARGE, FIRM, DEPENDABLE

and has given me VERY SATISFYING results

With and FOR many of my most respected and

revered seXXXy Hottt female clientele!:playboy_sml:
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We are in the process of making some free tools for WF members only that will allow you to do what most of these do, but better.

Can wait...it would be better to be able to just go to one site like WF instead of some many different sites for different tools...Lets start rolling them out:338:
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