survey findings re attention to ads

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New member
Oct 16, 2007
This might fit better in the 'traffic' section, but would probably be of more interest here.

Some interesting research done about the 'online audience' came through my feeds. The methodology is seriously questionable (in my opinion... but WF isn't the place to talk about data collection methodologies), so take it with a grain of salt...

Online Consumers Most Receptive to Ads in Evening

Three of the more interesting snippets: (My comments in italics)
  • younger audiences are more likely to show a steady increase in attention to ads as they day progressed and were more likely to prefer entertaining ads. In contrast, older age groups had peaks in ad interest between 9-12 pm and 2-6 pm. Conspicuously, there's no comment about entertainingness for this agegroup
  • [respondents were] least receptive to ads when they are enjoying an activity that requires their full attention, such as watching catch-up TV or movie clips ..or facebook..
  • Men and the under-age-35 age groups are most likely to say they would pay attention to online ads when researching the best deals. But: The over-55s are the least likely to pay attention to online ads when looking for bargains.

Hope someone finds that somewhat educational/useful. Anyone had any experiences to back their claims/findings up?

All of this research could be done easily using only logic.
Older age groups are at work, and peak when they get to work and are messing around/checking email early on, then again when they get home from work.
And yeah, people are less susceptible to advertising when they're doing something else.
Here's a thought though: if someone is watching a 45 minute video, the people that are NOT watching it full screen see the ad for a very long time.
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Thanks xmcp. I do agree about the logic, but it's also good to get some evidence to confirm your thinking... especially if you're new at this stuff and haven't seen these things demonstrated in your own stats or even considered them.

Good point about length of impressions. Seems that you'd need something memorable/recognisable enough to make good use of that.. or be well placed in the SERPS.
Thanks xmcp. I do agree about the logic, but it's also good to get some evidence to confirm your thinking... especially if you're new at this stuff and haven't seen these things demonstrated in your own stats or even considered them.

Good point about length of impressions. Seems that you'd need something memorable/recognisable enough to make good use of that.. or be well placed in the SERPS.
Agreed :) Go watch some anime or something on myspacetv. The ad you'll see is generally flash ads with a lot of motion. I can't imagine that's by mistake.
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