supporting the fight against prostate cancer


Secret owner of CPAGoat
Does someone in your life suffer from prostate cancer, or have they in the past? This disease affects millions of men around the world. According to the stats, 1 in 6 males will get the disease at some point in their lives. It is the second leading cancer-related cause of death amongst men (behind lung cancer).

This disease did impact someone in my life. My father-in-law had it, but thanks to early detection he was cured. For that reason, I'm taking part in Movember this year. During Movember (previously known as November), I'll be joining thousands of men across the world and growing a mustache to help raise funds and awareness for men's health issues, primarily prostate cancer. You can read more about Movember at their site: Movember Worldwide - Home

If you'd like to help out in the fight against prostate cancer, and have a few extra bucks to spare, it would be great if you can make a donation to this worthy cause. You can donate through my Movember profile page here: Movember Canada - Home. You'll also be able to check out some pics of me as my stache grows through the month.

Thank you.

The funny thing is (or not that funny) that this will never be as popular as breast cancer.