Suggestions from you guys on affiliate marketing

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New member
Sep 19, 2007
Hi guys,

This is my first post.

I wanted some tips and suggestions if you can help me with an issue i am having.

For the last few years i read so much about affiliate marketing and SEO until my mind blow up with info overload.

Now i know 90% all i read is crap.

And i wish to receive logic suggestions and i just feel it this is the forum to ask for little help.


Well as i was doing keyword research i stumbled upon a digital product that costs about 400$ that has NO competition in adwords when searching keywords related to that product and as i was checking google keyword tool i saw the search volume is pretty high.

So i went to and found few programs that sell this product but the commission is very low up to 2% :( but the product is high priced and no competition what so ever!

so i thought about making a website with pictures of the product and specifications and few articles which are informative because i don't own the product.

By doing that i will try to drive traffic since there are not a lot of sites who has info on the product.

And also tought doing some PPC for the website meanwhile.

Of course the site will have affiliate links to places who sell the product itself.


I found a TV show that has a lot of searches but no competition again no adwords no nothing but SEO it will be hard so i will go with PPC.

The website i will create for it will sections with images and section of products (yes in they have products of this show)

Another important thing is that with both cases if you search their keywords in google you will see google first results is "product search results" where they give you a small lists of shops that sells related merchandising.

Well i posted this thread because before i go and do all that i wanted to know if that is the way to do it?

Because i don't have big experience with PPC and i don't wish to spend my money for nothing.

Any suggestions and comments will be awesome,

Thanks and looking forward to take part in this community.


Case 1 - Since the product is digital, I would start out by getting in touch with the creator(s). They can probably tell you a couple of things:

-Who else is selling it. From there, you can see if there are any non-CJ merchants that carry it, and possibly find a better commission rate.

-Whether or not they'd be willing to set you up as one of their affiliates. For instance, the company I work for creates some of its products. If you were interested in one of those items, you could promote them through a couple of our resellers, who are often on CJ/LinkShare/etc., or you could come directly to us and get a better commission rate.

-Whether or not they'd allow you to act as a drop-shipper/reseller. While affiliate commissions can be pretty low, the percentage on resale/digital drop-ship arrangements can be much higher (35-70% wouldn't be all that unusual). I realize that some digital products already offer a 50% commission, but you said that's not the case here so I'd definitely get in touch with the company and see what they can do. Even if it's a big company, there's probably someone in marketing who would like to talk to you.
Thanks stefanie for you kind help but i think i was wrong in explaining a digital product.

by digital i meant that its a physical digital electronic product.

But i will keep your post for digital products use! thanks.

Anyone else? , Did you also saw the product link?
I love the rick roll - but a guy w/ two posts, asking a n00b question outside of the n00b section, asking for help only to throw a rick roll link - just adds up to fucking stupid.

we are not amused. :boid:
Test test and Test
It'll cost you 20 dollars to get some traffic to your landing page. or direct link and test.
Not sure why ask all this when you can simply direct some PPC traffic to your offer and gage the result!

None of us can tell you what will work. Only YOU can find out.
try it friend. Worst case, you'll lose a few bucks and won't even remember it 6 months from now... BEST case, you'll make a crapload of money and be rich beyong belief in 6 months!

Either way, you'll need to test in order to know. And frankly, the risks are so small that it's a sin not to test this ASAP.

Best of luck to you friend
I love the rick roll - but a guy w/ two posts, asking a n00b question outside of the n00b section, asking for help only to throw a rick roll link - just adds up to fucking stupid.

we are not amused. :boid:

Oh deal with it :rasta: you newbie.
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