Suggestions for Home Office?


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I'm building a new house and I'm looking for suggestions for a home office!

Here's what it looks like now:

Brad Mills's Photos | Facebook

(I need a new desk because my current one doesn't allow me to use multiple monitors effectively.)

Looking for some good suggestions and pointers for building a home office in the new house!

I love having windows in the office.

Some say it distracts them but there's nothing like natural light coming in (as long as it doesn't mess with your screens) to help you work.

Good chair + good desk + quiet house - things on the wall that are distracting like pictures = good home office (my office - there's desktops now though)
This ^

Sucks in the morning though when everyones blinded by the sun haha, but blinds ftw