Suggestion For My New Clickbank Site


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Hello guys. I'm a little bit confused of something. Here are the details:

Background: I want to make clickbank review site.
Goals: Review the entire products in marketplace to my site.
Way of promotion: SEO

Now the question is, do I need to build lists? I wanted to make lists, but problem I found is I can't make list for each product because:
1) Lazy
2) It would be very hard because clickbank has hundreds of products.

The thing is if I don't make lists, it would be "take it or leave it", if the visitors don't buy, I won't be able to in touch with them.

So, what to do?

if you're lazy, then i hope you have $ to pay for seo services, otherwise, might as well try something else
why don't you just review a small niche to start with. you'd then just have a few products to review and grow it later. if you want to capture emails then you're gonna need a reason for people to give you that. maybe the review of the products could be in a video or ebook that people would give you their email for. either way it's gong to take work.
Oh this is pretty easy.... Create an article directory and promote it to IM'ers then just swap their CB links out. Everyone should be cool with that.

Failing that, put your ads up on the article pages instead of adsense and such. Good times, good people.
I think make lists may be good way to market to make list to keep visitor in touch and make conversion clickbank higher. Not make list mean no conversion higher on clickbank site with no list less work, clickbank list can be profitable to you.

Good luck friend