sucess in the content network

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Mar 1, 2009
I have been advised to run content network with images apposed to text.
This comes after setting up a financial related campaign and receiving 7,000 impressions and 0 clicks! I honestly didn't think it was possible to suck that much.
I have grabbed the banners from my network for this offer created some image ads and now I'm receiving 0 impressions bidding at $1.00 on the Adwords content network.

Am I missing something or are financial products to saturated? Is the bid of $1 to low?

Yea, financial is like one of the most competitive and deep pocketed niches. Go with like remote controll airplanes or something.
@garrett do you think that $1 is to low to be getting any impressions? also am i imagining that i need search to be on to start off go the campaign kinda starts quicker gets momentum. just takes for ever to start sometime
Yea... $1 is probably too low for that. Too many rich bastards bidding $5 and shit because they can.
7000 impressions on the content network is like getting 1 impression on search. It just means your ad showed 7000 times on some sites... it doesn't mean anyone saw it. ctr's on content are very very low compared to search.

$1 bids are fine, if you're not getting impressions, it's gonna be one of two things

  1. You haven't waited long enough.
    Image ads can take up to a week to get approved. Text ads can take 4-8 hours to get impressions
  2. They hate you
    If it's been longer than that and you still aren't getting impressions you're probably slapped, which wouldn't surprise cuz they slapped a ton of campaigns a day or two ago.
haha not option 2 as its a new account i already suspected they hatted me.

oh good God... They can stop a brand new account too dude... have your ads even been approved? if so they will say 'Approved' beside them.

  1. If your ads are approved and not getting impressions then you need to bid more
  2. if you don't get impressions you're slapped.
  3. if you're slapped put up a new campaign, new ads, new url and try again.

if you're slapped put up a new campaign, new ads, new url and try again.

Would you have to put this new campaign onto a new account or does it not matter as long as the ads and domain are different?
Would you have to put this new campaign onto a new account or does it not matter as long as the ads and domain are different?

1 Rule For Affiliate Success (Obey)
How I learned to stop asking questions
and just get some fucking work done.
Would you have to put this new campaign onto a new account or does it not matter as long as the ads and domain are different?

i'd try it in the same account a few times - if that doesn't work go to a new account.

and yubrew (EXACTLY)
Actually financial terms are through the roof right now for premium bids.

"mortgage" - $14 a click
"loan" - $9
"remote control airplanes" - .90

I think your bid is way too low for the keywords you're bidding on.

I mean, yesterday I got 800,000 impressions. For long-tail keywords on the content network. MSN's content network, which is maybe 20% the size of Google's. 7,000 is basically zero.

Also, content network is not like search -- 0.10% CTRs happen. 0 clicks is low, obviously, but on 7,000 impressions you shouldn't be expecting more than a handful when first starting out.
Actually financial terms are through the roof right now for premium bids.

"mortgage" - $14 a click
"loan" - $9
"remote control airplanes" - .90


Actually, this thread is about content network. those numbers are irrelevant.
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