Subscribe when participated

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New member
Feb 1, 2008
IMHO, it is hard to keep track of threads where you have posted .
So, it would be great if a mod is installed that automatically subscribes you to the thread if you post on it.
So later, when you go to your User CP, you get a list of subscribed threads and get to see if any new posts have been made after your post.

I think there already is a VB mod for this.... I'll post here in a while when I get the name of that Mod....

I've never heard of such an insightful idea. Though that could, potentially, render the subscription system we have utterly useless. I've got Jon's cell phone number somewhere. I'll turn you on to it and you can call him up about it.
Ok, I'm sorry. You obviously were sincerely concerned there in N00bistan.


Enjoy the day.
What I was hinting at was automatic subscription.
Even if I do go into the 'Subscribed Threads' part of the UserCP, the threads where I have posted are not visible until I manually subscribe to them.
Click on UserCP > Options. Near the top, under Messaging and Notifications, are settings for how Subscribed threads are handled. You can choose either No Subscribe or With or Without Email.

That should work.

Good Luck.
I realize this is a couple months late, but under edit options Vbull alreaqdy has an option for this:

When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.

Just change the setting.
Haha, thats the point. Again its manual. It should be automatic and manually we should be able to unsubsribe the thread. This sounds better, ain't it??
try it out noobs. It's manual to set it but then magically it becomes automated if you so choose that setting. fucking look.

Haha, thats the point. Again its manual. It should be automatic and manually we should be able to unsubsribe the thread. This sounds better, ain't it??
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