Stupid Question


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I have a squeeze page set up on my blog where I'm trying to build my email list. Currently, there's traffic coming in via SEO. I'd like to raise this number by buying traffic (ppc, ppv etc).

How can I keep track of SEO traffic vs PPC traffic to this page? How do I know a visitor came to the page by clicking thru an adwords ad and not organically?

Thanks for for your time,

Oh, and here are some boobs -



Use a separate urls for your PPC traffic and split test your squeeze pages. Use separate opt-in forms and segment so you can more easily measure performance and ROI.
or set up google analytics. the integration with adwords (and other ppc sources using tags) kicks much ass, and will show you exactly what you are looking for.
you can check the referer in php and you can use it to figure out where they came from.
Pass a querystring parameter through when you have PPC traffic coming through. No querystring parameter in URL = SEO traffic.