Stupid question about refer tags

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Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Hey guys just a stupid question here, but what is the easiest way to strip refer tags from adwords or YSM, i want to send the traffic to a site but i don't want to let them see where it is coming from.

Cheers! :bigear:

Meta Refresh like this?
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="2;URL=">
<TITLE>Page has moved</TITLE>
whatever you want to write

Or will it still tell the page that it came from XYZ?

I'm looking for a way so that the page thinks that someone entered the URL directly =)
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I'm looking for a way so that the page thinks that someone entered the URL directly =)
Yeah, that's realistic. The network won't think something shady is going on when people just happen to type in your affiliate link directly... because everyone types in something like "" directly into their browser when they're looking for ringtones or whatever.
haahha what the network doesn't know wont hurt them, it's just if the advertisers wants to ask where it is coming from ya dig?

Am i on the right path or what? i'm still a newbie
Yeah, that's realistic. The network won't think something shady is going on when people just happen to type in your affiliate link directly... because everyone types in something like "" directly into their browser when they're looking for ringtones or whatever.

Considering most people know that merchants steal your keywords if you leave your referer intact, and that many many people use methods like this to scrub the referer from the merchant, i wouldn't worry too much about it.
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