stupid newbie scrapebox question


New member
Nov 11, 2009
ok all, I have a retarded scrapebox question as the title says.

I mainly buy lists because I'm lazy but I decided to go scraping again last night.

had a whole grip of keywords from a script i have that stores google trends
found blogs
got rid of duplicate urls and domains
left me with about 55k blogs
posted to em all night
checked for links

I get about 1 or 2 valid links for every couple thousand posts meaning a night of scraping and posting yields a small small small handful of low pr AA blogs.

is this normal or am I doing something seriously wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

That sounds way too low ... start with blogengine blogs .. you'd get a higher stick rate there; also wait about a week and check your links again to see if you got through any human review + use proxies
Sorry, I saw now that you said 1 or 2 valid links for every couple thousand posts. That is little lower rate that usual. All other comments are waiting for moderation from admin. Try to check links after few days to see is there more approved blogs. You can write relevant comments to your niche so approval rate is higher. And also you can scrape blog engine blogs, most of them are autoapprove. Or you can scrape blogs in your niche, as you did, sort them by high pr and do manual commenting on them.

Hope it helps..
hey all, I really appreciate the help and advice.

I will keep at it and get things going better.

Do you all basically leave SB on 24/7 on a server finding links? I imagine this would be way easier with multiple instances on a server as opposed to my one instance on mac parallel.
I've been using Scrapebox all of 5 hours and can tell you simply from years of Wordpress experience that attempting to run this on those blogs will result in a low rate, at least immediately. As others have said, check in a few days.
Using private proxies I get about a 15% post rate, and around a 5% of those are live link. So, for 1k of harvested URLs, maybe 7 or 8 will be live links. Don't forget to check the PR of all your harvested URLs as you'll probably find some gems worth a manual comments.
I have a few sites that are akismet banned, I get terrible fucking posting rates.

Getting banned must kinda suck.

Has anyone ever tried to get their competition banned by posting really, really, really irrelevant and meaningless posts with competitor's links?