Stupid Fucking Online Classmates!!

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Symmetry Power

Aspiring Thousandaire
Apr 8, 2007
Washington State
I just don't get it.. why is it whenever I go ahead and try online school.. which I do just to get money anyways.. is there just a bunch of fucktards in class... I made a post in the so called chat forum in our class, basically telling all them fucktards.. but in a nice way.. hey.. stop posting threads that say "Checking in" and "attendance" and then all these bitches get they panties in a bunch and start calling me rude and this and that.. and then when I tell them they don't matter to my real world.. all of a sudden I'm superior acting and think I am better then them.. *which I probably am though lol* anyways.. just felt like venting.. and this is my favorite place.. so I thought I'd vent here.. nobody need pay me no mind.. I know I'm crazy already lol

Don't have time at the moment.. I will next semester.. I'm moving states again shortly and when I get back to my home state.. will be attending my favorite community college..
Just remember, college is one bullshit exercise in futility after another. Don't try to fight it, you will only hurt yourself. Drink heavily and pretend to be one of the sheeple. Oh yeah, and since it's online, why not slip in an offer link or two every so often. Something like:

"Hey, just checking in today. Did my homework last night. Thought you'd like to know."


"Here's my attendance check-in. If I had a cell phone, I could have called it in. BTW, check out this deal on iPods!"
Lol.. thats great.. I should do that.. and yeah.. I think I will pretend to be one of the fucking sheeple in that place.. I'll just do the stupid pointless exercises in my spare time.. get my damn school money.. use it for marketing to flip it.. then laugh at all those fucktards who plan on working for some asshole for the next 40 years of their life
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