Stop Fucking Emailing Me PPC Coach


New member
Jun 25, 2006
I don't give a shit if it's your birthday and you're knocking the price off of your pathetic membership sites. I've unsubscribed at least 3 times; stop fucking emailing me.

That is all.

Same here - checked it out for a couple months and unsubscribed, but still getting the emails.

I'm started to suspect he leaves your account active in hopes you'll log in (by mistake, or finally intrigued by one of the mailings, or to figure out how to permanently unsubscribe) so he can go "Aha!!" and bill you for another month.

Still getting it too.

Will Haimerl :

I unsubscribe to every email he sends and get an unsubscribe confirmation each time, but the emails just keep coming.

I have emailed him more than once telling him to fix his fucking unsubscribe link, but that never helps either.

I mark his emails as spam now, but the next one still hits my inbox.
What's funny is his broken ass system even lets me log in and check out ALL of the months on PPC Coach and CPV Coach for free any time I want and I still never do. They are that pointless and retarded and will never tell you anything you didn't know/could plausibly make money with. That's just how his programs are. I have a free pass and never use it. Let that be a word of warning for anyone who is considering paying.

.. oh .. and .. demolition