StomperNet Bonus My Ass!

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The Ultimate Member
Aug 21, 2006
I just got an email from john reese. Months ago I took the $1 trial for stompernet thru reese's affiliate link, I cancelled my membership in less than 30 minutes becase I felt that the information in there was way too much for anyone to absorb, let alone take action on it.

Reese threaten to bill me $25,000 if I used his bonus after I canceled my stompernet membership! If I refuse to pay the $25,000, this is exactly what he says - "Failure to pay this invoice will result in your deliquent account being turned over to a collection agency and then to the civil court system until it is paid in full."

Come on, you gotta be kidding! Am I being threatened because I canceled a membership?

Part Of The Email Here:

This email is being sent to StomperNet customers that made their purchase through my affiliate link.


It is very possible that you are receiving this message but you are NOT QUALIFIED to receive this bonus due to errors and/or inaccurate
data shared between my company and StomperNet.

If you are not qualified to receive this bonus you must immediately delete this email and ignore the instructions.

I must apologize in advance to my customers in good standing. You know who you are and you can ignore the 'harsh' words you are about to read.
However, you know there is always that 1 person that tries to take advantage of the "system" and because of those "bad apples" this has
to be done...

Please read carefully...

If you have REFUNDED your StomperNet membership you are NOT qualified to receive this bonus. If you have QUIT your StomperNet membership outside of what was originally promised for this bonus you do NOT qualify to receive this bonus. If you have not paid all of your payments (owed up until this date) to StomperNet for any reason, you do NOT qualify to receive this bonus. If you have any concerns about this you need to take it up with StomperNet *before* proceeding.

This might sound harsh but if you proceed to use this bonus and you do not qualify for any of the reasons stated above, you will receive an invoice that will be a bill for $25,000 USD.

Failure to pay this invoice will result in your deliquent account being turned over to a collection agency and then to the civil court system until it is paid in full. This is not a joke. I repeat, this is NOT a joke.

My time is extremely valuable and it would be unfair for anyone to take advantage of this bonus if they have not fully earned it. So I am only going to say it once... don't you dare proceed with this bonus unless you fully qualify for this bonus.

If you do not qualify for the bonus delete this email NOW.

If you do not qualify for this bonus and you proceed and login to the account described in this email (for which you have received login information) you are agreeing to pay the $25,000 USD fee in full as mentioned above -- even if you only login to the account real quick and never login again.

I'm sorry if all of that sounds really harsh but it must be done to protect the integrity of this bonus and all the deserving people that have EARNED IT.

Your bonus is that you read through the entire piece of shit email and you didn't whip out your credit card to buy anything.

The whole scheme they have set up is brilliant, for them, but soooooo dumb for anyone using it.
No one is going to sue you for $25k.

Where the fuck did they get that number from anyway? Let them try to take you to court. Do you have any idea how much scammy shit these companies do? Do you really think it's worth it for them to attract that type of attention?

I've spoken to John Reese on the phone. He's a good guy. I like him, although we both agree to disagree on the "products and services" he and other guys like the Stomper fuckers do. Same with Joel Comm I suppose. I don't have anything against him personally, I think he's a pretty nice person actually, but as for business "services and products", well, he knows where I stand on that, and so does their entire industry.

No reason for me to get worked up about this shit, other than I TOLD YA SO, when I warned everyone about joining this garbage. Why do you think their industry hates me so damn much? Because I don't let them get away with their scams, and tell people if you're going to buy into it... REFUND it or CANCEL it right away (and share it for free so other people don't make the same stupid mistake).

Seriously. But you won't get sued. It's called a scare tactic, and to date, I have not been sued for any of the shit I pulled, and no one I know of has either. But I can bet that if a bunch of people got together they could DEFINITELY pull off a class action lawsuit against any of these ebook/get rich quick guys and win, and that would be the end of that. I have gotten a few Cease & Decists from some ebook guru douches, but if they were just a tad bit softer I would have used them as toilet paper and sent them back instead of just tossing them into my recycling garbage.

I bet they want you to use the bonus because they will make bank on it. Reverse psychology maybe? I have the balls to try it, send it to me and I'll do it. Let's see if they sue me. That would be awesome PR for WickedFire too.
Just to add on, the $1 stomper trial was just a teaser, you get to see the interface of their system but you don't get to see any of their content. After I canceled, they stop billing me, so I can't say that they cheated me, besides, I took the trial for fun, just to see what's inside.

No loss on my part, just wanna share it with you guys.
Just to add on, the $1 stomper trial was just a teaser, you get to see the interface of their system but you don't get to see any of their content. After I canceled, they stop billing me, so I can't say that they cheated me, besides, I took the trial for fun, just to see what's inside.

No loss on my part, just wanna share it with you guys.

So you're saying they charged you $1 just to see the pretty colors and screen shots or layout, and then said "cough up the $800/mo bitch!" -- but in the form of an extra long sales page of course?

How unique and original! They are so good at finding new ways to scam everyone, gotta love them.
He can not sue you under any circumstances. For the trial membership you have the full rights to cancel it, thats what trial membership is about. Try it before you buy it. If you get any more emails feel free to contact me via PM and I will help you. Does the terms and conditions state on trial signup form that you can not cancel it or use the bonus?

p.s. I am a law student so I know most of these stuffs.
I signed up back in May then forgot about it, nearly shit my pants when I read Julys bank statement and saw $797, then checked Junes and it was the same.

Lesson learned don't sign up for anything with your credit card & read the bleeding small print.

They refunded me 1 month next day and I chased them for the other. Load of crap, as mentioned you see next to nothing
He's a good guy. I like him, although we both agree to disagree on the "products and services" he and other guys like the Stomper fuckers do. Same with Joel Comm I suppose.

This guy's shit me the sales letters are slick but you have to read every single word as the small print is the killer.

I ordered of Joel Comm I read the first paragraph scrolled to the bottom signup on the form which was amember software.

Then the next month I get a amount debit my card $37.00 now I email asked why and got a smart reply saying it was on the form.

The facts are
  • The Price was on the Sales Page as $36.95 reocurring only ONCE
  • The was no mention of recurring debiting on the order form
  • There was no mention of the recurring payments in members area.
Then to top it all off all to get all the thousand dollars worth of bonus required to sign up to 15-20 other peoples email list.

Fuck that!

They are on my shit list for life.
Oy Vey.

Life is so simple. Why do people go for ebooks and $800 a month programs? That's insane. Honestly...everything anyone needs is here at WF but people would rather not only not make money, but they LOSE it trying to make it. I don't get it.

Learn, work, work, work, learn, and do it over and over. The money flows. Ebooks and super secret gurus courses don't help at all.
stompernet is free

If you wanna waste more of your time and really want it that bad, it's all over the net at software rapidshare sites, just google it!

If you ask me, if anyone got 25G'z to throw down the toilet, you don't need to be learning how to make money.
I signed up back in May then forgot about it, nearly shit my pants when I read Julys bank statement and saw $797, then checked Junes and it was the same.

Lesson learned don't sign up for anything with your credit card & read the bleeding small print.

They refunded me 1 month next day and I chased them for the other. Load of crap, as mentioned you see next to nothing

That's the same thing happened to me, but I contacted my bank and they refunded every cent. Just a Scam if you ask me.
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