Stimulus = FAIL

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New member
Aug 21, 2007
[ame=]YouTube - The Great Stimulus Debate: What You Need To Know About How Will The Stimulus Will Affect Our Economy[/ame]

I only made it half way through this video, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it any further, a lot of this stuff doesn't make any sense to me and doesn't take any factors besides amount of money and growth of industry into consideration.

For instance, I agree that spending on healthcare is bad if it's just injecting money in - but it's great if its to make advances in the health care industry.

Same with Energy. I agree it's bad if the bill will just inject money into the current system without trying to change anything - but if it's to go for new technology and research on sustainable energy, hydrogen power, solar, geothermal, etc - then thats awesome.

Then it says that spending on the housing industry is only 3%. The video says that more money should be put into the housing sector...but that isn't necessarily true. The housing market was inflated because of poor practices and malinvestment. Is this video suggesting the only way to fix it is to sink more money into it?

The housing prices have to fall to a level where they belong, not be propped up to sustain an inflated market...

Anyway I don't know a lot about this stuff but this video seems to be pretty one sided and just looks at the bare surface of the numbers, not the meat behind everything.
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