Steven Waggenheim Strikes Again: The Talk Show

Dude fuck you for posting the link and making me listen to it again... my IQ went down 5 points.
Comment "Vince... Just finished listening to you and Steven. I'm working with Wagenheim right now. He's doing some personal coaching and working my a__ off. It was great to hear both of you, my two mentors, laying it out and standing up against a lot of the crap that's being shoved at people out here. Keep up the honesty. If it costs you any "friends", they weren't really friends to begin with. Randy"

Guys, he has his own show now!

Fridays 3pm eastern
The Marketing Zone with Steven Wagenheim & Caliban Darklock

I haven't listened yet, not sure if they take calls, but there is a chat room.
How come he can't travel? Bail Restrictions?

Or is he disabled or something?

If the latter, I feel kind of mean now.

Gotta say, he handled the barman call with good grace.
lmao i wonder if barman woulda seriously flew him in if he accepted. could have waggz host the next aff ball
rofl!!! ah, the memories ::wipes tear::

Funny shit dude. It really sounded like you were holding back and keeping it professional -- would be great if you did some live guru-bashing on (what you do now, only with audio/video.)