Steven Wagenheim the hypocrite

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
Steven Wagenheim bashes "get rich quick" online scams and then links to his Easy Offline Riches blogspot (that has one post) in the same article.

Internet Marketing Tips - The Lazy Man's Way to Riches

Want to cash in on the hottest money making business on the Internet today...reaching offline businesses? Not sure what system to follow? Read my comprehensive review of Easy Offline Riches at Easy Offline Riches Review Blog and make a minimum of $400 per sale without doing all that grunt work.

I loled

lulz - just realised who he looks like:

Bug Eyed Earl from Red Meat


He also looks a bit like the character 'Salad Fingers'

What do you expect from a guy who has sex with his puppet during his spare time?
I liked how Waggenheim knew exactly who the fuck Barman was when he called in on that radio show.
This guy has been at this for years and is still using blogspot blogs and not anchoring his links to keywords - I really can't comprehend how something like this happens.

How can you rack up 10k posts on an internet marketing forum yet still somehow miss this most basic stuff? It seriously confuses me.
This guy has been at this for years and is still using blogspot blogs and not anchoring his links to keywords - I really can't comprehend how something like this happens.

How can you rack up 10k posts on an internet marketing forum yet still somehow miss this most basic stuff? It seriously confuses me.

I read in one of his posts that he makes approx 150k/year.
Now that's not too hard of a feat itself, lots of people make that and more.
But for him to make that...looking at his own sites, very surprising to me.