Step 1 complete, now need keywords, help?

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New member
May 14, 2007
Ok, I have my domain, chosen my niche product, created a blog around it.

Now, how do I get a list of keywords to load into msnadcenter / adwords?

Thanks for any advice

Use your brain to think about what kind of things people would search for. You can use the overture and google keyword tools for some extra ideas.

When you've got a decent list, go to the free keyword tool at SEO book. They've got some nice keyword suggestion tools their as well, but I really like the longtail generator.

When you've got a nice list, you'll need to group them into relevant adgroups of around 10-25 keywords. You want to make sure the keywords are relevant to the ad copy as well as your landing page, for QS issues. Adwords editor can be a huge time saver when grouping keywords and writing ads.

That should get you on your way, and all of those tools are free, so good luck.
Use your brain to think about what kind of things people would search for. You can use the overture and google keyword tools for some extra ideas.

When you've got a decent list, go to the free keyword tool at SEO book. They've got some nice keyword suggestion tools their as well, but I really like the longtail generator.

When you've got a nice list, you'll need to group them into relevant adgroups of around 10-25 keywords. You want to make sure the keywords are relevant to the ad copy as well as your landing page, for QS issues. Adwords editor can be a huge time saver when grouping keywords and writing ads.

That should get you on your way, and all of those tools are free, so good luck.

I would ad one thing to this. Once you have found your keywords look at your competitors. Don't steal their work. Just see if you are unique enough and still in line with the competition!
I forgot to mention, use googles site related keywords tool for some quick ideas. Just plug in one of your competitors sites, and it'll spit out a nice list to start with.
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