Stealing Pages.

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I love shapely Keyboards
Jan 4, 2007
Venice (IT)
Every time I check competitors for my keyword I find people who are stealing my best performing page, I just found a few more who didn't even bother changing the text they just changed their PUB number and off they went, graphics and all.

This page produces me about $100 a day now, all my google earnings, not a lot but it pisses me off that someone who has done nothing just gets himself 3 grand a month for doing jack shit.

The page isn't even what you'd call arbi as Google approved it themselves, it is even hosted on google's own webspace.

Right now I just feel like spending a week AT WAR wacking these clever people's google account to smithereens.
I am looking at their PUB numbers as I type this AND I CAN THINK OF A MILLION WAYS to make them disappear, then my page is worth jack shit to them.

Not nice but the temptation is very strong.

What do I do? Forget it and move on? I'd love to STEAL SOME PAGES MYSELF THEN but I don't want enemies.

Advice needed, am I over reacting? I am so pissed off..

make clones of the page, and try and grab the top 10 in SERPS?

The page has already tons of clones, each going into a different google channel.
There is no way I'd get anywhere on the engines, there are multibillion companies with huge advertizing budgets up there and that's why the clicks pay.
But how would that make me feel better about these thieves I am looking at anyway?
Nothing on the internet is "hammered down", people are going to steal your content no matter what you do. How many you sue, etc...

The only solution, is to make your content they are stealing, work for you as well.

The question you need to be asking yourself, is what can I put on my page that they will take that will make me money?

For example, what about flash ... have a picture be a normal picture as if it was embedded with anchor tags normal html image. but in the flash set an anchor text to your website..

Make them work for you. =)
Nothing on the internet is "hammered down", people are going to steal your content no matter what you do. How many you sue, etc...

The only solution, is to make your content they are stealing, work for you as well.

The question you need to be asking yourself, is what can I put on my page that they will take that will make me money?

For example, what about flash ... have a picture be a normal picture as if it was embedded with anchor tags normal html image. but in the flash set an anchor text to your website..

Make them work for you. =)

If I was the thief I'd find a way to strip that, but thanks!
You can try to abuse their hosters. USA hosters don't like copyright abuse. But there are hosters that will do nothing.
Are they hotlinking your images? If so, rename your images with a new file, and replace theirs with something evil.
darkpedro said:
Are they hotlinking your images? If so, rename your images with a new file, and replace theirs with something evil.
I have always wanted to know if you replace hotlinked images with images saying CLICK MY ADS!! whether they would get banned from Adsense/the contextual network they are using
I've had images/text copied from my sites many a times. I guess if I were to start over again I certainly wouldn't make as many of my URL's public as I do now.

Anyway each and every time this has happened to me I have emailed the owner saying that unless they remove my copyrighted images/text within 48 hours I will initiate legal proceedings. Thankfully this has worked every time (this week for instance) so I haven't had to go down the legal route. However if my emails were ignored I would certainly get my lawyer involved, no hesitation.
I've had images/text copied from my sites many a times. I guess if I were to start over again I certainly wouldn't make as many of my URL's public as I do now.

Anyway each and every time this has happened to me I have emailed the owner saying that unless they remove my copyrighted images/text within 48 hours I will initiate legal proceedings. Thankfully this has worked every time (this week for instance) so I haven't had to go down the legal route. However if my emails were ignored I would certainly get my lawyer involved, no hesitation.

Night has come and I don't care any more, they can have it so long as I can have what I took myself, it's give and take.
Just hoping no "legal proceedings" will come my way for a few pages borrowed, if they do then time will have passed and if i did strike back onto my thieves they wouldn't know where it came from and my account would be half safe. It would be overkill but when I play the game as dictated by others then I don't feel guilty.. man that sounded deep!

I was researching the keywords "celebrity cruises" and "disney cruises" and derivates. Not too many searches but enough competition. Big money in it, there might be some crumbs for somebody. Sadly it seem that 7search is saturated too, at $0.14 per 5th place..
Hey I found a way of wacking people down from high $1 bids, they drop right down to 0.05 then I can bid 0.06 and be in front.
I am sure the "PROs" know about this, I descovered it today myself, works on at least one PPC I am with, didn't try the others and am not sure if it sticks for more than an hour or two but I got some very cheap and profitable clicks today!
ha ha ha gives them PPC workers listening to us some work to do, quick you suckers
find the bug somebody's losing you moneeeey
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