Steal the competition's keywords, SEO / PPC keyword tool

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New member
Jun 3, 2007
I had to come up with a keyword list for a client (adult site). Normally I'd scrape the google suggestion & adwords tool for words but they don't return any results for porn related words. I had to figure something else out. This worked for me in a pinch, so I'll share it with you guys.

Basic setup:
1. unzip
2. get yourself a Y! boss app id
3. update line 5 of the script with your appid
4. upload file to your server

Then the script runs like this
1. enter a generic search term (ex. acai weight loss)
2. scrapes the top 50 urls returned for that search term by Y! boss
3. scrapes all sites returned in #2 above and stores the meta keywords
4. displays "suggestions" and a full list of all words are returned to your screen for copy/paste.

This script is not pimped out, it's not tested redundantly across many hostings, it's not OOP, it's not written by the best programmer in the world ... it's simply a hack that gets the job done.

Here's a link to the code for you to download and use on your own server. Curl + a Yahoo boss appid are really the only things required to run this script. It's working fine on a cheap hosting plan (a basic shared reseller account), offered by subigo for dirt cheap.

So you can see some results, these are the suggested keywords returned for the "acai weight loss" search.

acai antioxidants,
acai benefits,
acai berries,
acai berries beauty products,
acai berries cosmetics,
acai berry,
acai berry juice,
acai berry pills,
acai berry power 500,
acai berry power 500 weight loss program,
acai berry supreme,
acai capsules,
acai for weight loss,
acai juice,
acai pure,
acai slim,
acai weight loss,
acai white tea,
all natural supplement,
amazon thunder acai fruit concentrate by amazon thunder inc. - 32oz. superfoods,
anti aging,
article submission,
açaí palm,
boost metabolism,
diet & fitness,
diet help,
diet info,
eating habits,
email marketing,
email newsletter,
energy tonic,
extreme acai berry,
extreme acai berry review,
flush toxins,
free acai weight loss,
free trial,
free weight loss,
green tea,
health food,
home video,
lose pounds,
lose weight,
mona vie,
natural weight loss,
ola acai,
oprah winfrey show,
organic acai,
oxygen radical absorbance capacity,
pure acai,
real acai,
top acai-operah weight loss acai juice acai powder acai drink,
top acai-operah weight loss acai juice acai powder acai drink video,
university of florida,
weight loss,
weight loss pills,
weight loss programs,
weight loss tips
So the results are not terrible, some would need to be removed (like university of florida & email marketing) but some you might not have thought of that could send you into a brainstorming frenzy.

If the 1st round isn't good enough, you can always take words suggested and run them through the program to find even more keywords.

Enjoy ... erect

I figured I'd post a link to a working demo if anyone wanted to try before downloading. Each submission is 51 scrapes so due to potential for the unmerciful abuse of my server by some of you asshats, consider this demo temporary.

Meta Keyword Scraper
erect no, it was from yahoo but does not matter, I got the code working on my site.
Mind as well throw some adsense up there to buy yourself a drink for this one....
i reid to install this, got an app id but tried both the browser based and generic and both ids don't work when I search I just get a blank php page after a couple seconds when I hit go.
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