Stay Away From CPALead


Sweat Ya Perm Out
Feb 13, 2009
I applied to join CPALead around 4 days ago, i was accepted and my application was successful. I began sending them traffic through their "gateway page" system of incentivizing content.

In under 24 hours of running CPALeads (around 4 hours worth of sending traffic) i had made $314 through users completing surveys to view my content (exactly the whole point of their network)

To my surprise today i recieve an email simply saying: Your application has been denied due to (and i quote) "Horrible lead quality". Even though i recieved an email the day before saying my application was successful?

Now even if my lead quality wasn't up to their standards, they have given me no chance of raising the quality of my leads, or even attempt to help me in any way shape or form such as respected networks (along with their account managers) like copeac or neverblue ads do.

I'd like to add that i own and run a network of over 100 websites, and the traffic i was sending them was coming from just ONE website of mine, and this was simply a test to gauge the quality of CPALeads, i can safely say however they failed.

Also i believe my lead quality was excellent, showing that users from the US, UK AND Canada were completing their surveys and my convertion rate was above average.

I highly doubt i'll be paid, it's no biggy its only $314, but that's not the point. Imagine if i had opened up my network of sites to this network, thankfully i didn't.

My advice to any serious business, stay away from this sham of a network, and stick to trustworthy networks such as Copeac, Neverblue Ads or Ads4Dough.

Why make people take dumb surveys?, If your site is already established and receiving considerable traffic then I would hire a coder to make a custom gateway script that makes users sign up for your newsletter to access the content. That way you're guaranteed all future profits from blasting emails to the opt-in list instead of making like ~$1.50 per survey or w/e.
CPALead model is going to die. Basically they are working with a bunch of illegal sites that are promoting pirated movies and illegal downloads.
What was the theme of your site? If it was warez/porn/watch movies online, i wouldn't be too surprised.

Still highly unprofessional from CPALead.
Haha well after a very shitty email from me they have now reinstated my account and admitted they were in the wrong. Still unsure of how to move forward though i mean will it be the case that i start sending leads and the same thing happens again, is it just a realisation on their part that they could have skimmed more from me :-/ hmm.
They are good network... there is just many webmasters who try to cheat them so they rather ban suspected accounts and than get back those who were doing good. Maybe you were denied by some automated script.
what was your traffic source? if you use some strange source traffic than possible this is the reason why they ban you?