starwood vs. plum


New member
Sep 30, 2007
what's the better card?

now that plum is only 1.5%, starwood is looking a little more attractive to me.

i decided on the gold amex with rewards 2 years ago after i ran the numbers on rewards vs plum vs starwood.

i didnt want to be tied to starwood. and with the plum cashback, i would be getting slightly less cash back than if i turned those same points into a gift card (closest thing imo to cash).

in my actual use case, the only thing i use points on is airlines. it would have been a lot more expensive to purchase air travel using plum cashback than the deal you can get purchasing air travel with points (ie i bought a roundtrip first class flight from los angeles to hawaii during peak of the season for 61000 points which would have under $1k cash back. retail that ticket is $1200+)

so the answer: it depends
i decided on the gold amex with rewards 2 years ago after i ran the numbers on rewards vs plum vs starwood.

i didnt want to be tied to starwood. and with the plum cashback, i would be getting slightly less cash back than if i turned those same points into a gift card (closest thing imo to cash).

in my actual use case, the only thing i use points on is airlines. it would have been a lot more expensive to purchase air travel using plum cashback than the deal you can get purchasing air travel with points (ie i bought a roundtrip first class flight from los angeles to hawaii during peak of the season for 61000 points which would have under $1k cash back. retail that ticket is $1200+)

so the answer: it depends
wait, so why did you pick amex gold? wouldn't starwood have better travel deals?
amex platinum for me, the perks make up for it, and it gets you a gold starwood membership so the points are transferrable