Starting Over Once Again

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New member
May 22, 2007
Hello ppl.

So far my Internet Marketing tries have failed or I broke even. No success, not even near.

Now once more, I will start over. This time I feel much more IM mature and certainly I know lot more stuff.

The thing is that whenever I try to start, I try to lay out a plan. But when I try to research my methods, I see that a lot of people reject them.

So many things to think that there are some stuff that I have to clear out to get them out of the way.

Anyway, let's take it slowly.

1) First of all, the domain. So far I was always buying new domains. I read that old domains have much better chances to rank better. So what is considered 'old domain' (how many years are defined as old)?

2) Content. I know that google loves sites that are often updated. However what if its just an informational site? What if my site is about a certain product that has nothing new to write about? My site will not be updated with any relevant content. If this is the case, how am I going to get some google love?

3) Links. It's clear that link back to your site is one of the most important thing to rank well. But as I read more and more about it, it is not so simple. And I think, it is my weakest point. So we need links. People say to buy directory submissions. Fair enough. Other people say that I should have social sites link back to the site. I understand that too. So far so good.

On the other hand people say that you should not create links aggressively because google's red spam flags will trigger and throw your site away for months.

Another problem is that directory submissions dont last long. People say that you have to keep adding links CONSTANTLY in order to keep google thinking that your site is important. The only thing that I can think of is Eli's RSS scrapping technique. I almost have ready a tool to do that.

Please tell me your opinion about these things. I will stop here because I know it must be boring reading all these thoughts...

Anyway I appreciate reading my post and please give me your tips...

Thank you!


Hello ppl.

So far my Internet Marketing tries have failed or I broke even. No success, not even near.

Now once more, I will start over. This time I feel much more IM mature and certainly I know lot more stuff.

The thing is that whenever I try to start, I try to lay out a plan. But when I try to research my methods, I see that a lot of people reject them.

So many things to think that there are some stuff that I have to clear out to get them out of the way.

Anyway, let's take it slowly.

1) First of all, the domain. So far I was always buying new domains. I read that old domains have much better chances to rank better. So what is considered 'old domain' (how many years are defined as old)?
Over 1 year

2) Content. I know that google loves sites that are often updated. However what if its just an informational site? What if my site is about a certain product that has nothing new to write about? My site will not be updated with any relevant content. If this is the case, how am I going to get some google love?
Don't worry about it - G realises that not all sites are updated daily

3) Links. It's clear that link back to your site is one of the most important thing to rank well. But as I read more and more about it, it is not so simple. And I think, it is my weakest point. So we need links. People say to buy directory submissions. Fair enough. Other people say that I should have social sites link back to the site. I understand that too. So far so good.

On the other hand people say that you should not create links aggressively because google's red spam flags will trigger and throw your site away for months.

Another problem is that directory submissions dont last long. People say that you have to keep adding links CONSTANTLY in order to keep google thinking that your site is important. The only thing that I can think of is Eli's RSS scrapping technique. I almost have ready a tool to do that.

Please tell me your opinion about these things. I will stop here because I know it must be boring reading all these thoughts...

Get the directory links; get social links; get all the links you can - unless you are generating 1,000's links/day to EACH page of your site :rasta:

Anyway I appreciate reading my post and please give me your tips...

Thank you!


As many people here have said/will say - Just Do It! Trial and error are one of the best ways to learn in this business.

Just my 0.02c
It is more than just the age of the domain. the domain should have a site hosted on it before, already have some link and the pervious site is related to your new site. Becareful about dropped domain cause SE refresh the record once a domain is dropped

social bookmark/directory submission are low quality link. Get link from site related to your niche, and get your link inside the content. (no footer sitewide link)

i can see you don't know much about SEO

If you really have no new content, the guess is no one else does.
I am still ranking nicely on some things that have been sitting around, unchanged, static HTML for - literally - years.

Thank you everybody for the replies.

@sampunk: Thank you for your kind words :D I know enough SEO to be able to ask questions.

Let's say I found a domain that had relevant content to mine. How old is considered old enough? Like 2 years back?

As far as links goes. Its obvious that placing links in relevant places is much better. However that is much more difficult to do and more time consuming. If it is a low budget project it's not possible to spend too much time for that.

@turbolapp: Thanks for the link. Nice info!

@emp: I have a site for a non competitive keyword (a product) and it's in place 15 for about 5-6 months I think. My site is only 1 page which is a pretty nice sales page of the product. Description, shipping etc. However, other sites because they are just BIG or OLD outrank me with their crappy sales page. I tried to gain some links using directory submission package that someone in WF offers. However after 4 months only a couple of links show out of 100!

I need to get the freaking ball rolling... :)

Maybe think about other angles to your product and write up some new content.
  • Are there upgrades / newer versions?
  • Are there comparable products? Can you write a comparison highlighting your product?
  • How do people use this?
  • Are there extensions?
  • Are there mods/hacks?
  • What does this thing look like "in the wild"?
  • Success stories.
  • ...
Wild guesses as I do not know the product.
Look at your competitors. Who is on spots 1-10 and WHY?

The aged domain thing. What I usually do is check out the top 10-20 results on Google and see what ages those domains are. Try to get something around that age. But, let's say most sites are 7-10 years old and then you find a few sites near the bottom and on the 2nd page that are 1-2 years old then you know it's also possible to get there with a younger domain and in that case it doesn't have to be 7-10 years old. Sometimes I will find younger domains for sale but they are more relevant keyword wise - of course the older the better but I would rather go for something more relevant keyword wise and younger than older and generic.

One more thing I wanted to add here. If you pick a niche that doesn't have much competition you will not need many links to get to top 10. Usually some social bookmarking, directory and article submissions will do it and very quickly. Pick your keywords wisely.

Maybe think about other angles to your product and write up some new content.
  • Are there upgrades / newer versions?
  • Are there comparable products? Can you write a comparison highlighting your product?
  • How do people use this?
  • Are there extensions?
  • Are there mods/hacks?
  • What does this thing look like "in the wild"?
  • Success stories.
  • ...
Wild guesses as I do not know the product.

Hi emp. Good points. I will try and find some way to add some stuff based on what you suggested. However I doubt that google will care if I add 1-2 more pages after half a year of unchanged content :)

I am trying to figure out how to let google know that a site is good and valuable even if it is not updated. Some examples:
  • A page describing the GSM cellular concept. That thing will never change again. So there cant be any updates. But lets say that the site i created is the best site describing the GSM cellular concept. How will google know that if the site is never updated?
  • A page dedicated to a famous old building. I cant think of many ways to update such a site once you have included all your detailed description. But again lets suppose that this page is the best page about a particular building. Will google rank this site high? Dont think so. So how can people see my super detailed site and link to it so that google will be sure that my site is valuable?
I hope you understand my point.
One more thing I wanted to add here. If you pick a niche that doesn't have much competition you will not need many links to get to top 10. Usually some social bookmarking, directory and article submissions will do it and very quickly. Pick your keywords wisely.

I struggle to find ways to publish uninteresting subjects to social bookmarking sites. I dont quite get it actually. Let's say I am selling ink cartridges for printers. How should I approach social bookmarking?
If your site is "THE BEST" in a niche, it will be linked to.

That is what google believes.

Again, look at what your competition is doing. Obviously, you have a few people ahead of you. Why is that?

You are obviously boxed in right now, but do not worry, it happens to the best.

Right now, you are looking at your content, saying "There is nothing new under the sun"

but there is, there is no topic you can not write anything new about.

So we start with your example
The GSm cell phone principle

- what is GSM (you obviously covered that)

new ideas:
- What are the advantages of GSM over older standards?
- What were those older standards?
- How did this change the world of mobile telephony?
- What are the advantages of GSM over newer developments (UMTS, etc)?
- What new developments are there (YES, neverending news right there)
- What are the underlying principles of the new standrads?
- All phones using GSM (SHOPPING!)
- A short timeline of GSM
- A short timeline of GSM phones (linkbait and SHOPPING)
- All phones using the news standards (SHOPPING)
- A timeline of new developments in mobile phones (SHOPPING, linkbait)
- Arguments against GSM
- Arguments against UMTS


And you obviously want to add a dozen pages about the stuff you are marketing.
- What is the offer?
- How does it compare?
- Who is the competition?

To add:
I am not even a mobile phone freak, the whole topic does not interest me further than "I got my smartphone, I got my smartphone.."

I struggle to find ways to publish uninteresting subjects to social bookmarking sites. I dont quite get it actually. Let's say I am selling ink cartridges for printers. How should I approach social bookmarking?

Just social bookmark whatever it is. Who cares if you get no visitors from the submission, you'll still get a ton of links and the SEs will think your site is "hot". You'll get indexed within 1-3 days even if it's a new site.
Thanks to emp and mortal for their help. I will use the info and try to improve my sites.
I will report back if I have any useful feedback
Good tips here! As I struggle with getting backlinks myself you have made some valids points I have not considered. Thanks for the pointers.
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