Starting a Professional Sports Team Blog. Looking for advice...


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
Hey y'all...
I love a specific professional sports team and found an awesome .com to make a blog site. This site will be my favorite project even if other sites are making me more money. Aesthetically I want this to site to be a beast and really interactive, that is my main concern because the content will definitely be top-notch and passionate( I already have another good writer to work with me and will add as time goes on).

There are so many different platforms, plug-ins, hosts, programmers, etc that can be used. I have an idea of what I will start with, but I hate when I start something and realize I could have done something waaay better. So I'd figure I'd ask.

Any advice on how you would go about setting up a FOR SURE long-term project(hopefully til I die**) that you sincerely cared about and have passion for? What would be the best start for YOU, so that it looks awesome and is cutting edge interactive?

**I'm really excited about this....

I'm interested in hearing what you end up using. I think the problem here is clarity -- what are you thinking of starting with? You mention:

I love a specific professional sports team and found an awesome .com to make a blog site.

But you also want:

Aesthetically I want this to site to be a beast and really interactive

It sounds like you want a really nice theme, and then there's this lingering "interactive" left behind. What are you thinking about? Do you want the technology to be interactive, or do you want a lot of user-interaction (a la forums/comments/upvotes/whatever.) For what it's worth, there are a million things you'll look at down the road and wonder, "Why didn't I do it that way?" It's nearly impossible to prevent that from happening, except for one thing: backups. Do whatever you want on the flashy side of things, as long as you keep solid backups of everything. As for the last part,

Any advice on how you would go about setting up a FOR SURE long-term project(hopefully til I die**) that you sincerely cared about and have passion for? What would be the best start for YOU, so that it looks awesome and is cutting edge interactive?

I'd start by slapping a strong theme in there and producing content (assuming you're writing it since you sound passionate.) Good luck! Subscribed to the thread.
I'm interested in hearing what you end up using. I think the problem here is clarity -- what are you thinking of starting with? You mention:

But you also want:

It sounds like you want a really nice theme, and then there's this lingering "interactive" left behind. What are you thinking about? Do you want the technology to be interactive, or do you want a lot of user-interaction (a la forums/comments/upvotes/whatever.) For what it's worth, there are a million things you'll look at down the road and wonder, "Why didn't I do it that way?" It's nearly impossible to prevent that from happening, except for one thing: backups. Do whatever you want on the flashy side of things, as long as you keep solid backups of everything. As for the last part,

I'd start by slapping a strong theme in there and producing content (assuming you're writing it since you sound passionate.) Good luck! Subscribed to the thread.
Thanks for the reply, when I say interactive I do mean user-interactive, I've never built a site with tons of user interaction and I understand that it is a whole new monster to deal with but I am willing to do that for this project. The domain I purchased will help get readers fairly quickly, even though it only receives 600 EXACT searches per month(370,000 Broad global searches), I should be able to rank it first page for my keyword fairly easily because it's the exact inverse of my teams name and city. (think or

Thanks for the tip about backup, that is majorly important and I will definitely stay on that. What I've done since my original posting is started studying my non-corporate competition and picked up a few ideas to integrate into my site, some of those sites are definitely 1-3 man ran sites and they still get mentions and links from a major corporate site when they have interesting content. I've read them before and found myself unimpressed with the actual content though, that's where I feel I can best them.