Started as an affiliate - First $ - what to do next?

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New member
Jan 22, 2007
Hello everyone,

Started a campain for a pretty small niche, not on english though.

Made a simple landing page with some images and text.
Starting to convert, spent like $10 on adwords and made $25.

I have around 20 keywords each in two diffrent adgroups (~40)

Its pretty hard to find more keywords as its a pretty small niche and im not sure how to find more related keywords. Im currently using the free keyword tool at adwords.

What to do next?

Should I focus on adding more keywords to diffrent adgroups?

Should I focus on more niches and doing the same thing as the first one?

Maybe should I focus on making the landing page better as its pretty darn ugly.

What I find hard to know is which keywords thats actully converts and which just costs me money. How can I track the good keywords?

Any suggestion are welcome, increasing the revenue would be nice, still reading and trying to learn alot.

Thanks everyone,

First, I would increase the daily spend from $10 dollars. If you're spending $10 and grossing $35, imagine what spending $20 would do.

Second, more keywords won't hurt your campaign, but they certainly can help.

Next, if your landing page is producing 3.5% ROI, why mess with it?

Finally, track your keywords with a Google pixel is the easiest way. Look at 'Conversion Tracking' in your adwords account.
$10 is not nearly enough to know if your campaign is successful. Until you've spent at least $100 (usually more), you don't know if the results you had are a fluke or not. I would definitely increase your daily spending and bids, but don't go too crazy yet. :)

With all of that aside, I would not concentrate on optimizing yet. What you need to do is get more traffic. Up your daily spending. If you've already maxed that out, I would add more keywords, and possibly expand to other languages that might get more searches for the offer you are promoting.

I would not install a tracking code of any type in your landing pages. The last thing you want is somebody spying on your good results. I would make it so that each of your keywords points to a different subid in Adwords. Then you can view which subids are generating the most money, and therefore you'll know which keywords are the most profitable.
Thanks guys,
Just to make it clear when I said I "Spent $10 and made $25" Thats just $15 in profit for the first day, so the results aint that good.

Today I will try to:

- Add more related keywords to more addgroups (Any suggestions on this? How and where do I find more keywords?

- Raise the bid currently its around 0.16, im thinking of double that. (Should bring in some more traffic)

- Will try to read and get more knowledge how to use the tracking pixel.

Thanks everyone for great help and suggestions.
- Find keywords doing normal research and the tools available online

- Don't raise the bid, raise your daily budget - unless you wanna lose profit

- Google has the basic info/faq on the tracking pixel on their site
- Find keywords doing normal research and the tools available online

- Don't raise the bid, raise your daily budget - unless you wanna lose profit

- Google has the basic info/faq on the tracking pixel on their site

Thanks AlexJames,

I have the current daily budget to $30 per day but still it doesnt use it. So I guess I need to add more keywords, right?
is the landing page of high quality ?
because this is the point where i wait in horror for the G-SLAP.

although the last landing site i made seems to have an 'OK' quality score for more than a week now, i am hoping CPC will go down as time passes instead of some QS update that will slap me in the head.

google usually slaps in less then a week right ?
I would make it so that each of your keywords points to a different subid in Adwords. Then you can view which subids are generating the most money, and therefore you'll know which keywords are the most profitable.

I'm a newbie too, can you explain me in short "how" I can know which keywords are the most profitable? Where should I analyze that? In the reports in Adwords?

Thanks in advance

By the way, great work, Zlatan. I hope I will have success from the beginning as well
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and kind words.

Havent had much time working on it today but this morning I decided to double up the bid from 0.16. It gave me much more traffic, but the thing is I havent got any leads today, even as I said that the traffic was almost twice as much as the day before. I find it strange, but I guess thats affiliate marketing.

This is still a big test phrase for me and I have counted that I will loose money during this process, which I did today.

After this small loss, I lowered the bid to 0.16 again but raised the daily spend amount.

After that I went researching for more related keywords. What I did was to search the most common keywords for my niche on google, then I simply visited the pages that came up to find what keywords being used there. I copy and pasted some good keywords into the adwords keyword finder and I started to create some more adgroups.

I sorted out adgroups so the adgroups was related for ex to the same city being used in the keywords so I can better track the traffic.

So instead of around 40 keywords I now have around 100. Again, its a small niche so its hard getting alot of good keywords, but I tried getting longer keywords for example: "text text to city".

Regarding the landing page. Its pretty ugly. Im not a very good designer so I made it simple and to point. I did some research on the niche and took some screenshots as "evidence" showing that the info on the page is valid. Also have written some related text on the page in the middle. Did "About this site" page and "Contact us" page. Will do some small changes to it later on but as for now I will keep it as it is.

Whats important on landing page?
Whats the most common newbie mistake?

First day I made a profit on $15
Second day I lost $15

I guess thats part of being a newbie in affiliate marketing. You make money, you loose money. You tweak, you try.. and hopefully one day you make some steady money from affiliate marketing.

Keep the great suggestions and comments coming!
pameve: Let's say you have the keywords "make money online" and "quit your job". Make it so that "make money online" goes to and "quit your job" goes to
Then use this PHP code for your referral link:
echo "" . "$_GET['k']";
Make sure to replace the first part (htt p://affiliat with whatever code your affiliate offer has (with the subid= part at the end). That way when you look at your reports each lead will let you know which keyword was searched.

zlatan: When you're only spending $10/day you can't get consistent results. The first day could've been a fluke, and today could've been a fluke (your actual longterm ROI is probably somewhere between both). It will take until you've spent $100+ before your really know what your ROI will be.
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